To all of you whom love me… Rejoice. Rejoice I say again. Watch. Stand. Look up. Arise. Redemption. It is VERY dark on the earth. DARK. This is the hour oh fallen man, the power of darkness. The cock has crowed thrice, Yet whom has heard? The world and all it’s loud noise, temptations have distracted you. My kingdom is not of this world. The world hates me. Is in enmity with me. As was before is again. I had come to my own and my own received me not. How I suffered then, and now. I have called to you with many tears oh most stiff necked, hard hearted generation whom has REJECTED me. REPENT. Turn unto me all the ends of the earth and be saved for I alone am GOD and there is no other. I AM the LORD. I AM the savior. I AM the son of man. I AM HOLY. I have warned and warned thee. Rejoice all whom have harkened to my call, turning to and warning your neighbor despite the mockery you receive. A mouth full of honey met in turn with gall. How long oh LORD How long? I can not take another step. My heart faint within me. Melting unto my bowels. Take heart. Fear not. I AM with thee. Rejoice. It is I whom has allowed this to be so. Sharing my bitter with you. You shall receive the sweet in full measure. Pressed down, shaken up, poured out to overflowing. The narrow way, unto life eternal few find. I know your pain and sorrow. Your exhaustion and longing. You are the delights of my garden, My called and chosen ones. You are in the potter’s hand and in the crushing, the pressing, the refining have I restored you. Do you trust me? Do you believe me? Faith. Not sight. Faith. The earth is sore dark. Gross darkness as many, many sleep. Unable to watch with me for one hour. Fallen away and swept up in deception. Lean not on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge me. I AM directing you. Guiding you home. Where I AM ye may be also. I AM faithful. I AM TRUE. I AM that I AM. Many, Many are heavy and discouraged in this hour. Many are the sighs of longing that flood my throne and move me in love and mercy. Compassion. I delight in you. I rejoice over thee with singing. Think I have forsaken thee? NEVER. NEVER. NEVER will I forsake thee. I AM with you always. I will finish my work I began in you, bringing all into completion. Trust me beloved one. Precious are you in my sight. I AM in control of ALL things. I AM for you. Tell me then who can be against you? Is anything to hard for me? No. Nothing is too hard for me. With me all things are possible. I have gone before thee. I have given thee the desires of your heart. I have healed thee. Restoring you to the fullness that I created you. Holiness. Righteousness. GLORY. Ye shall eat and be satisfied. Ye shall dwell in my house all the days of your life. ETERNITY. Ye shall taste and see my goodness. You shall remember not the former things of old. All things new. A white stone. A new name. Love without cease. Peace. Joy. It is my pleasure to give you the desires of your heart. To shower you with goodness. Fount of mercy, living water I AM. In the twinkling of an eye…. Everything changed. It all changed. So much has come to pass. Is passing and is fulfilled. The hour of fire is here. Fear not. Peace. My peace I give you. Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid. The battle is mine. It is finished. I AM the LORD. I have increased the darkness as my judgment. With America am I sore vexed. Grieved beyond measure. America took something sacred from me. I have wept a flood of tears. Enough. I have had enough. I have had my fill. The rain of fire falls. Rain of my GLORY seen. Trust me. I have loved thee with an everlasting love. Yea, with kindness have I drawn thee. The wedding banquet. The shore of Glory. Daybreak. Dawn. The rising of the son. The feast of a king. The feast of the beloveds. No more crying. No more. No more Pain. No more loss. No more death. Look straight ahead. Forsaking everything. I AM ALL. The Be ALL of creation. I do above and beyond any and all you can ever hope for or expect. Expect me. The hour is now. The time has come. The revelation of all things. The unveiling.