There was a conference that I was helping run where Kathy was the keynote speaker. I was very excited to see them (Dan & Kathy and those with them). The conference room we were in was given to me by my”bio-mum” (who happens to be marked). But my “bio mum” was not able to attend the conference.
I saw a few friends from my old church, one of them went to the bathroom but did not come back.
Then I was at the windows of this room looking outside, and I saw a big wave was coming, and everyone else was watching. I turned away from the window and closed my eyes to pray.
In another scene, we were moving in a bus. I said that if I had the keys we could go back. I must have had the keys because we did go back, but this time it was a bigger room. I was getting supplies from a dark hallway, and some of the supplies were some fabric that Kathy needed for a projector that she was using. But something else I remember, when I was getting supplies, I noticed that my arms were reaching down at least 3 feet!
End of dream
INTERPRETATION: There are several layers of spiritual meaning to this dream. This sister did get confirmation that the dream as a whole represents several different aspects of the Harvest, as well as a bit of personal meaning for her.
Myself (Kathy) being the keynote speaker represents my position with The Lord as leader.
This sister got from the Lord that her bio-mum giving her the conference room represented that she was just who The Lord used to give her life. although the Lord says even though she was used to give our sister life, she lost her own because she chose the enemy by taking the mark of the beast.
And the conference room represents that The Lord will provide many different ways and platforms for Firstfruits to minster to the multitude in His Harvest.
In relation to her old friends from church. The Lord confirmed that when the one ran to the bathroom and didn't come back, through much interpretation of dreams, The Lord has taught us that bathrooms always...always...represent spiritual cleansing by The Lord through the sanctification process. So that scene represented that the Lord had assigned a particular Firstfruit brother or sister to this friend, to minister heart healing and deliverance and everything they needs to begin their walk through the sanctification process. So she didn't need to come back, because the Lord moved that person to where they needed to be...at a safe place/safe haven during the Harvest.
And when she was looking out the windows and saw the big wave outside that was coming, we got confirmation - she began praying, because that actually represented the WAVE OF GOD'S POWER that will COVER THE EARTH when He sends His FIRSTFRUITS END TIME ARMY back here to work His Harvest and battle the enemy!!! HALLELUJAAAAH!!
“Cat”/Cathleen was the name of one of her old friends from church. But what's very interesting is the sister on our team that had this dream let me know that “Cat”/Cathleen... Which of course has the same root of my own name...just happened to be HER TRAINER/LEADER - years ago - when she was doing youth administration at that church! And of course it was a type and shadow of how The Lord has used me for the last 4 or 5 years to mentor our sister and train her in minister! SO AMAZING!! Jesus is just so beautiful and wonderful!!
And some of what she described was pretty self-explanatory, the part about being in the bus and going to another place where there was an even bigger room, getting supplies… all of that represents the ministry that we're going to be doing in the Harvest. But the coolest little confirmation that I was so excited about was when she said HER ARMS WERE STRETCHING DOWN ABOUT 3 FEET!! The reason I think that it's just the coolest thing ever is because about 3 years ago, I actually had a vision of this sister where I saw her in the Harvest working some administration at a SUPPLY depot (just like the dream), where she happened to be in the area of south of Asia, and I literally saw her arms stretch like that old cartoon character “Stretch Armstrong” all the way over to TEXAS to deliver supplies!! LOL GLORY TO GOD for His AMAZING CONFIRMATIONS!!
And, as you saw in our thumbnail picture, I put some frozen dinners -- well thats because there was some of those "Firstfrutis super Jesus Powers" happening in this dream!! SO this sister had remembered in her dream was that the food we had at the conference, (which of course means the SPIRITUAL FOOD that we will be teaching and administering to those who we are ministering to) were frozen dinners. And she says all she had to do was TOUCH them and they were steamed all the way through & ready to eat!!!! HA! GLORY TO GOD!!!!! WOOHOOOOOO!!! SO exciting!!
OK, so in the dream I just woke up from, there was a ton of chaos going on. It wasn't just riots and stuff in the street, we're talking like worldwide all different kinds of chaos! One particular chaos was the weather - and Dan and I and several others we're in this big weather monitoring center that I knew The Lord had set up just for the Firstfruits leaders to monitor what was happening around the world. There was a huge weather radar on a wall with the whole United States and you could see everything that was happening. There was a lot of very strange storms in anomalies on the radar all around. We were talking about it and trying to figure out how to handle everything when suddenly I look up at the map and I see this……

Imagine the background all being black with light outsides of each state and the bright yellow, white, & green colors for the storms that we see sometimes on tv weather stations....and what The Lord wanted me to pay attention to in the dream was - what I had a knowing to be - a GIGANTIC tornado!! See the yellow arrow!
So I yelled to everybody to LOOK!!!!!! And I knew that that was the largest tornado ever seen or recorded in history. I don't know if there could be what I could only describe as an F7 or 8 TORNADO!! It was just huge! That was pretty close to the size on the map. And somehow, on this radar map, we were able to watch it moving LIVE...in REAL TIME!! And this storm starts moving in a South-Southwest direction, very, very close to where the new Madrid fault line is. In fact I had that thought in my mind in the dream. But you have to understand the absolutely ludicrous, ridiculous speed this thing was moving on this map was SO nuts....that you might have thought somebody was fooling around with the radar. But I had a knowing in my spirit this was 100% FOR REAL!!!!!!!!!
And it was moving so fast, we knew that it was literally completely and totally destroying every single thing in its path -- DOWN TO THE DIRT!! And it was going so fast, there was no possible way to stop it. Only Jesus Christ could stop this thing. I know this sounds completely ridiculous and impossible, but I think it moved that whole path that you see there in less than a minute, 'maybe' 2!! And I was watching it and saying, "OK do you know how many miles that path is!?? That's absolutely ridiculous crazy!!" At least three or four times I said “GUYS…THIS IS REALLY IT…THIS IS REALLY IT…THIS IS REALLY IT!!”
Then I woke up.
INTERPRETATION: This one doesn't need any interpretation - everything I saw is EXACTLY what will happen in the Harvest. And the IMMINENCY was MASSIVE!!! I KNEW this was all ABOUT TO HAPPEN NOW...IN THIS REALITY. And lemme tell ya --- this world BETTER be prepared - because the devastation that is about to take place across the world is BEYOND what ANYONE can EVER EVEN COMPREHEND. IT'S TIME guys.....IT'S TIME. BEHOLD HE COMES!!!!!!!!!!