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Writer's picture: Kathy - Co-Family Team Leader!Kathy - Co-Family Team Leader!

(Vision: I saw an arch made of some sort of stone. A person walked up to the arch, walked under the arch to stand, and rest. The person was weary. After a bit of time, the arch turned up on its side, with one end up in the air and the other end touching the ground. The person standing under the arch also moved when the arch did, at which point both were parallel to the ground. I understood that the arch was a bow, and the person was an arrow… The Lord said He shoots us to pierce the darkness. The following message was then given. Please see the link following the message for more information.) My Children, You were made for war. The enemy knows this. He knows you were made for war. The attacks against you have increased, My children. But you do not need to fear. You do not need to run anywhere to hide. You need to hide in Me. Once again, I send you to read what I spoke through my son in Psalm 91. I am your shelter. I am your “arch support”. I am the arch above you in My vision, (See vision description above) and the arch support for your feet to enable you to endure the race. You are the arrows in My quiver. I am the Bow that shoots you into the darkness of the world to hit the target I have assigned to you. I choose the direction of the arrow. I choose the design of the arrow. I choose the assignment – the target – and I cover the ‘tip’ with poison to the enemy – the TRUTH – MY Truth in you – on you – is poison to the enemy. It kills with deadly accuracy. My children, you are not just arrows. You are arrows set on fire with Holy Spirit. You burn with Holy Fire that has been dipped in Me – for I am the Consuming Fire. You are not a ‘one-shot’ arrow! You will be used in different circumstances and even in different ways. But you are My arrows, set afire, to start a fire in the lives of others…piercing the heart of the lies of the enemy. I will use you often when you do not know you are being used. And I am the Ultimate Hunter. So, stay alert. Do not grow weary. Come stand under the arch of My refreshing love and wisdom. Find your rest in My protection. Like the arch of My rainbow that carries the promise, so the arch of My covering carries the promise of refreshing rest and protection, for I am above and beside you. Abide! Let your love for people be greater than your dislike of their ways. Get rid of Little Love. When you were a child, you thought as a child. You spoke as a child. Put away childish things. Stop looking at the shortcomings of others. It is time for Big Love – not Little Love. Stop being offended! Offense is found in Little Love. Little Love only endures for a moment of pain, and then it shuts down. Big love endures despite the offense, the rejection, the injustice, the inequality. Big love is exactly that…Big. If your love is little, so is your faith. So is your endurance. If your love is little, go read the love chapter in Corinthians. And then, go read My Son’s crucifixion story. The more you surrender to “Big Love”, the more mature you become. Jesus did not have “Little Love”, or He would have quit when the Pharisees and Sadducees came after Him. He most certainly would have quit long before the Cross. But His love was Big Love. Look to Him for your example of a life lived in the lines of Corinthians 13. It is all there. Be like Him. • Love Me more than anything else – at all times, in all circumstances. That is Big Love. • Love others at all times, even when you do not like their behavior, their attitudes, their choices, or their rejection of you. That is Big Love. • Forgive them when they hurt or disappoint you. That is Big Love. • Endure when they let you down or turn away. That is Big Love. • Keep your temper and hold your tongue when you want to lash out. Come to Me instead. That is Big Love. • Do not damage the tender hearts with accusation or harsh words. Pray for them and be gentle when you speak, slow to anger, quick to forgive, patient in all. That is Big Love. I am The Maker of The Lovers of God. I know you by your love. And if you are wise, you know Me by Mine. Show them the way to I Am. I Am Big Love. Be Big – like Me! Love conquers all. Let Big Love conquer you. Do not be afraid of the pain or the persecution. Be counted worthy to escape the wrath of God.

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