My faithful redeemed, beloved little flock whom hath denied themselves, picked up their crosses and are following me where ever I go, how I love you. I have loved you with an everlasting love, Yea with kindness have I drawn you. Rejoice. I know you are weary and longing. I hear the sighs of exhaustion flood my throne and your prayers as a beautiful chorus before me. A sweet smelling savor. I have listened and heard your tear stained cries as incense unto me. I have answered. Do you trust me? Do you believe that what you have prayed for…Ye have received? That I AM he who is able to do above all that you can ask of me. That with me nothing is impossible. Faith. Not sight. Faith. Not sight. In the twinkling of an eye you shall behold all I have prepared for you. It is my good pleasure and desire of my heart to reward you. I delight over you with singing. You are my jewels. My splendors. My plantings. You are my friends. All I have and all I AM is yours. Look not to the left or to the right, look not behind you. Look ahead here at me. Straight ahead. Be not downcast oh soul so loved by me. To all whom are heavy laden and burdened come, Come unto me and I shall give you rest. Lift up thy head. Look up. There is wonderful joy ahead. No loss is too great, no loss that you endure and bear with and for me is in vain. I allow all things for my GLORY. You are highly rewarded by me. Never alone are you. Never FORSAKEN. I have and will never leave or forsake you. I AM faithful. I AM true. I AM who I AM. You on the narrow way unto eternal life with me, the good shepherd, rejoice for the hour of crowning hath come. Forgetting the former things. The new hath come. Fear not. Do not fear. I AM able. I will. I have. I AM the LORD. The God of all flesh and with me all things are possible. Very few find me. Very few walk in my spirit and truth. Very few. My blood was not shed in vain and I have reaped what I alone and worthy and deserving of. Rise. Stand. I have called you out and am calling you up, through my gate( I AM) and into my house. Enter with thanksgiving and with praise. The fire is to explode into GLORY. Rejoice souls.
The darkness is allowed by me. I AM repaying a most wicked and sinful nation, whom hath rejected me, America. Yes America the fire is in your field and shall explode in my fury. I will show you myself, Revealing all and why I AM so angry and grieved. Are you ready for this revelation? Do you desire and thirst for it? I AM pained and sorely grieved to have been rejected. It pains me. Those whom are pained am I delivering. Trust me alone. Deception is as a thick and most dark veil of deception. The great seperation and divide. My sword hath struck and with it hath the flock scattered. Those whom love me and hath run to me AM raising up in this last hour. So much has come to pass and is passing. Completion. A garden of delights and a wedding banquet. A great revelation. GLORY. Be still my flock. The battle is mine. I will fight for you..hold your peace. It is finished. I have overcome the world. I AM doing all things. All things for my GLORY. Recompense. Vindication. Redemption. Resurrection. The hour hath come. Hear my voice dry bones in the valley. Thy voice of the potter calling unto the clay. The breath of the Holy one blowing across the waters. Awaken. Awaken. Awaken. Rise up. Come forth. Walk. Live. The voice of your GOD has called thee and my house of many mansions welcomes thee.