8/25/24 - So last night, before I went to sleep, I prayed so hard that Jesus would give me a special dream, vision, or Word to keep us all excited and encouraged. Something I could share with all of you to confirm even more that IT IS TIME! 🙏🏼✝️👑
WELLLL…WOW!! He sure answered THAT prayer THANK YOU JESUS!!! I had another "commander's meeting"!! What an experience I had this morning! Glory to God! So I had gotten up early, like I usually do and then I just go and take a nap for a while. So this morning I went to lay down and I fell asleep for maybe 15 minutes or so it felt like, and I woke up to an experience I’ve have never felt in my life! It was so much more than the other experiences I've had where I feel like I'm floating with Jesus. This time, it wasn't just floating, it felt like I was literally being lifted and pulled up and out! So much so I felt like somebody was going to lift me out of my bed any second! That's how strong the pull was! I knew immediately that the Lord was doing something!
Now I have heard other people and their experiences with rapture type dreams, and I remember hearing that they were pulled out or up away from where they were. So my immediate thought was, “Lord Jesus, are You taking us!! Where am I going!?” Because I knew He was definitely taking me somewhere! And I just kept asking Him to show me, to speak to me, or to give me some type of vision so I understood what was happening, and I suddenly saw a very very quick flash vision of flying again, glory to God! But this time, I was with several people, although I knew there were more, these are just the ones I saw myself. And I saw all this from behind, so I must have been watching others in front of me flying as well, which was super exciting!!
Normally, these experiences last, maybe 5 minutes, I think the last one when I was flying
with an angel, about 3 months ago, might have been 10 minutes, which is really long for these types of experiences…for me anyway! But THIS time…WOW…this time, the experience of feeling like I was floating, being lifted, and pulled, lasted about 20 minutes, NO JOKE!!! It was so strong,
I knew I just had to stay perfectly still until I felt The Lord’s release. So, like I said,
after about 20 minutes I felt the release from the Lord to move my legs and body so that I
could get up out of bed. But what was incredible was that when I stepped out of bed I literally still felt like I was floating, I don't even know how to explain it! I was still saturated
in the Holy Spirit!! I got up and sat at my desk, and I was still floating on air in the spirit!
This lasted for at least another half an hour! That was the longest experience with the Lord…consciously…wide awake…that I've ever had!! My whole life!!
So, after messaging some of our team family while all this was happening, and asking them
to look to The Lord on all this for me, our brother Mike received a Word for me regarding
this experience! (We call him General Mike because he's going to be a three star general
in the Harvest 🙌🏼✝️👑 PRAISE JESUS!!) So the Word that Mike heard in the spirit was
TO CALL US!! GLORY TO GOD!! HALLELUJAH!!! COME ON JESUS!! 🙌🏼🙌🏼🙌🏼 And THEN - to even DOUBLE confirm it - at exactly the same time I was typing Mike the message to sent to him about what happened, he posted THIS:

He was outside cooking with his smoker, and saw the temperature had reached
144 DEGREES!! 144!! SO AMAZING!! So The Lord had sent a confirmation before he'd
even heard what happened! GLORY TO GOD!!
So what’s interesting is, I did actually have a short experience that we did get confirmation was a commander’s meeting about a month ago, and I “did” think that it might have been the last one, but we never got any confirmation on that. So when Mike got this word SO quickly! WOW!! We DEFINITELY got our confirmation!! AMEN!! And The Lord confirmed it to me allll the way through my whole spirit!! HALLELUAH!! That’s when I knew I had to share it with you all!! AMEN & AMEN!!
So...OK FIRSTFRUIT TROOPS...get ready!! KEEP WATCHING!!! Firstfruits, its time to go. Its time to be transfigured and transformed, and head out into the Harvest!! Don't let life distract you, and STAY FOCUSED ON JESUS AND HIS CALL ON YOUR LIFE!! We're too close to allow ourselves to "sit back"...or "get discouraged just because the wait has been so long"...don't fall for the enemy's lies!! WE ARE HERE!! There's NO MORE TIME!! He is testing each one of us to see how serious each of us are to STAND FIRM AND ENDURE...with our EYES ON HIM...not on the things of this world...the things of this life. STAY AWAKE my brothers and sisters!! And...as it says in Revelation 3:11 "I am coming soon. Hold fast what you have, SO THAT NO ONE MAY TAKE YOUR CROWN"!!!
