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today in the morning in my in my prayer in my soul jesus calling on an angel but he had a sword in hand and he said to him boy said bring me the the book of remembrance and when he said bring me the book of remembrance i saw the book the ancient brought the book on the table where the lamp of god was sitting and when and when he opened the book the book was open it leave the pictures on its lawn and when the lamp of god was looking in the book he said it is the time and he stood up when he stood up there was a kind of prayer show or um like like garmin whereby he stood from the seat he was sitting and tube that on the earth when he took back on the earth there was an earthquake i would be this i saw the angel was called and the voice said bring me the book of remembrance and this what happened when the book was brought on the table the pages were flipping on islam when he said it’s a time he stood from where he was sitting he had a kind of prayer cloth or on his shoulder he grabbed that and chilled that on the earth there was an earthquake on the earth kind of a trample even the mountain was shaken there was followed another angel who shouted and said the kingdom of our god is at hand when when when the garment kind of prayer club fell on the earth there was fire all over the earth fire was all over the earth i heard cry all over the earth there was women children men every kind of people were crying shout and then i heard the lamb of god say and he said tell them it is the time i woke up out of the vision but listen it is the time the church of god the saints of god that everybody should be ready revival will usher jesus in when when revival happens jesus will come in i understand there is a lot of information in the bible whereby they are signs that these signs will happen fast before the king of glory shows up but listen careful he will come in in his own style did not fit with the signs are written but i wanted to understand he is the king of kings and the lord of lords and is going to come in the bible says this gospel shall be preached to the ends of the world and then the end shall come when this gospel shall be preached then the end shall come that means when revival happens then there will be nothing left jesus is going to come saints of god there will be multitude crying repenting and turning back to the lord is going to happen at the directions and the lead of the holy spirit and the anointing of god please stay alive remain in prayer hold fast on the word of god please care for your garment remain in the blood of the lamb remain pure care for your spirit the in in prophecy see the air for your spirit and anything else look for her i love you god bless you i’m daniel sadak NOW ITS THE TIME 6 viewsAug 27, 2021