Nov 5, 2021 11:30 AM
My child write My words,
I bring Mine higher, deeper, further, into the realm of the unknown, into the realm of the unrealized. Blessings are upon you My Bride, My Remnant army; yet another promotion of new levels, new growth, new maturing; you develop as I carry you along, providing all you need for your great victory. Do you see the finish line? Do you see the banner above you? It is there, waiting for you to pass under. Some will run, some will crawl, and some will even be carried by Me over that finish line, where you will each receive the rewards for your faithfulness, your sweat, tears, heartache, pain, and anguish. This race has no doubt, been the hardest you’ve ever ran in your lifetimes but I can promise, I can assure you My loves, there are no rewards, no value that you could ever be given on this earth that will compare to what will be given you for never giving up on Me and all I have called you to. Just a little bit further down the road, the banner before you waves in cheer, awaiting you to come under and cross over. You’re almost there. Hold fast; I will be right by your side as you enter into victory. I AM so proud of you My faithful ones. I know as you look back at your great accomplishment in this victory, you will rejoice, for you have each earned every part of the victory, every piece of My reward for you.
Love, ABBA Father