Pieter Kirstein SWAT ministries 7/15/22
The birthing of the manchild. Understand the silence within the womb in which destiny is birthed. It's been a long way coming. IT'S ONLY THE GROUNDWORK THAT IS FRUSTRATING AND PAINFUL THAT WILL USHER US INTO THE MOST GLORIOUS RELATIONSHIP WITH THE GOD OF WONDERS WHO DWELLS IN MOUNT ZION. The spiritual climb has been painful, unpleasant and grievous but we shall break through and break forth into the realms of His glory - Hebrews 12:22 But you are come unto mount Zion, and unto the city of the living God, the heavenly Jerusalem, and to an innumerable company of angels, 23 To the general assembly and church of the firstborn, who are written in heaven, and to God the Judge of all, and to the spirits of just men made perfect, A while ago I had a prophetic dream wherein I walked up to a man of God that was frustrated and did not understand the silence of God in this time and being frustrated with the fact that the Lord did not speak as he desired Him to speak. God was showing me in this dream that the sons of God (the bride of Christ) are going through a birthing of destiny right now in the same manner as a woman in travail. There is much irritation and much frustration and much pain but anytime now our babies of destinies and of the promises of God will come forth into full manifestation and a full birthing so be at peace and trust the Lord's perfect timing. It's the same also as a butterfly struggling out of it's cocoon. Nobody can rush the process or interfere or the butterfly will be marred or crippled. Just go with the flow beloved of God and yield to the process. Not long now and it will be our best year of release, birthing, rejoicing and coming full circle into the Lord's complete and sudden manifestation and bringing forth of our created purpose. Things are suddenly going to fall into place and we will never be the same. The Lord told me that He is drawing us into the secret place, the holy of Holies where we will see His face and hear His voice and suddenly we will be caught up into His throneroom into that place of victory according to Revelation 12 and Isaiah 66 manchild. God the Father spoke to me audibly in my spirit 6 years ago and declared those who have submitted themselves to the way of the cross in dying to self are the ones that shall be raised up suddenly as 1 nation under God. Jesus commanded His true disciples to deny themselves and to take up the cross unto obedience to the death of self, yes even our former sinful way of life. Through the sudden revelation and birthing and manifestation of the sons of God the world shall see that He means exactly what He says and says exactly what He means. As the Lord Jesus said to me, "THE LIFE OF MY SPIRIT IS COMING TO YOU" I say to you that those who resisted the prophets, those who have mocked and scoffed at the doctrine of the end-time 144 000 forerunner sons of God and their being caught up into glorified life shall mourn their foolishness and choices. Years ago I stood on mount Zion in the realm of the spirit and as I looked down, I saw the 144,000 firstfruits busy in their pursuit of God up the mountain. Few years after that encounter again Father took me through the veil and again I found myself on the top of God's mountain and He showed me that there's only 2 steps left until we break through into the glory realm of the Father's habitation. Then towards end of 2020 the Holy Spirit supernaturally prayed me awake in tongues and the love, presence and power of GOD burned through my entire being. I woke up in an open vision encounter again and saw we now enter the habitation of God. Father had me have these prophetic upper room meetings this past year and said we are in the upper room season of the SUDDENLIES. Jesus declared that He shall suddenly enter His prepared purified bride according to Malachi 3 by which He will pour out the latter rain glory of the latter house, also prophecied in Zechariah 10. Judgment comes to the house of God and the nations. Jesus clearly said to me that God must resurrect the sons of God to fulfill prophecy and scripture and to start to break the power of death over creation. It will happen through a resurrection kingdom shift into the VICTORY of manifest sonship, which is the life of Christ. The Lord's prayer shall indeed be fulfilled in earth as it is in heaven to demonstrate His VICTORY beyond a shadow of all doubt that indeed death has been swallowed up in VICTORY. Revelation 12. God's plan has always been to liberate creation through the revelation and the manifestation of His kingdom sons and daughters after the order of Melchizedek. These overcoming saints shall reign by the Spirit of God in righteousness and true holiness after the order of Jesus Christ the firstborn Son. Romans 8:16 The Spirit himself bears witness with our spirit, that we are the children of God: 17 And if children, then heirs; heirs of God, and joint-heirs with Christ; if so be that we suffer with him, so that we may be also glorified together. 18 For I reckon that the sufferings of this present time are not worthy to be compared with the glory which shall be revealed in us. 19 For the earnest expectation of the creation waits for the manifestation of the sons of God. 20 For the creation was made subject to vanity, not willingly, but by reason of him who has subjected the same in hope, 21 Because the creation itself also shall be delivered from the bondage of corruption into the glorious liberty of the children of God. 22 For we know that the whole creation groans and travails in pain together until now. 23 And not only they, but ourselves also, who have the firstfruits of the Spirit, even we ourselves groan within ourselves, waiting for the adoption, that is, the redemption of our body. I was sucked by the resurrection power of God's Spirit through the roof of my house years ago to show me what the manifestation of the firstfruit sons shall be like, in or out the body I cannot say, but it was like my entire being was dissolved by the Spirit of God and I found myself standing in the Presence of the great God Yahweh Elohim in blinding light. He declared "soon you'll be unshakable, unbreakable, unchangeable, impenetrable and incomprehensible " Amos 3 3 Can two walk together, except they are agreed? 4 Will a lion roar in the forest, when he has no prey? will a young lion cry out from his den, if he has taken nothing? 5 Can a bird fall in a snare upon the earth, where no trap is for it? shall one take up a snare from the earth, having taken nothing at all? 6 Shall a trumpet be blown in the city, and the people not be afraid? shall there be calamity in a city, and the LORD has not done it? 7 Surely the Lord GOD will do nothing, unless he reveals his secret unto his servants the prophets. 8 The lion has roared, who will not fear? the Lord GOD has spoken, who can but prophesy? We are in a time now where we will hear the voice of God say, "COME UP HERE!" the same as John in Revelation 4 where he saw an open door. When John was caught up through the veil of this natural world, he found himself in the throneroom of God. It is time for the fullness of what God has for us to come into being. It is time to be brought forth into a place of victory, freedom and breakthrough, into a reigning position in Christ. We shall be present yet Spiritually taken and caught up into the fullness of Him to walk as Jesus walked. Jesus calls it: The Spiritual Rapture. Many shall be liberated and taught and instructed in the ways of the kingdom for the end-time harvest of souls are given to those who have paid the price, yes to those that have the revelation of Jesus and the heart of the Father within themselves. Psalm 2:7 I will declare the decree: the LORD has said unto me, You are my Son; this day have I begotten you. 8 Ask of me, and I shall give you the nations for your inheritance, and the uttermost parts of the earth for your possession. 9 You shall break them with a rod of iron; you shall dash them in pieces like a potter's vessel. 10 Be wise now therefore, O you kings: be instructed, you judges of the earth. 11 Serve the LORD with fear, and rejoice with trembling. 12 Kiss the Son, lest he be angry, and you perish in the way, when his wrath is kindled but a little. Blessed are all they that put their trust in him. YES BELOVED IT IS TIME TO REIGN IN LIFE THROUGH JESUS CHRIST. IT IS TIME TO WALK IN MANIFESTED SONSHIP. IT IS TIME TO WALK IN OUR INHERITANCE, IN JESUS MIGHTY NAME! In the dream I took the man of God's hand and I started to weep by the Spirit of God and there were midwives present as well, helping the process of birthing along in the Spirit. It was deep travail and a birthing taking place by the Spirit of God. Be encouraged we are moving through the veil where we shall have and enjoy the reward of our sacrifice and pain, sweet oneness with our God. THE PLACE OF HIS SHARED BEING. WE MOVE FROM SPENDING TIME WITH HIM TO "BEING" WITH HIM AS THE LORD SAID TO ME IN PERSON. THIS MEANS WE WILL MOVE INTO HIS BEING AS PART OF HIS TRUE BODY, BONE OF HIS BONE AND FLESH OF HIS FLESH AND THE WHEEL WITHIN A WHEEL OF EZEKIEL WILL MANIFEST AND START TO MOVE AS WE MOVE IN SYNC WITH THE FLOW OF HIS SPIRIT ACCORDING TO HIS END-TIME AGENDA, PURPOSE AND PLAN. A LIVING MOVING TABERNACLE OF THE MANIFEST PRESENCE OF GOD. God the Father call the true body of the church of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, the people of His PRESENCE of His POWER and of His GLORY. God's time is not our time beloved so allow patience to have it's perfect work so that we might be mature lacking nothing. We are in the season of the SUDDENLIES OF GOD. The following word was spoken through – Larry Wilson. A word from the Father unto His BRIDAL MANCHILD COMPANY of mature sons. Unto the sons of God “My precious Sons, you were predestined by Me before the foundation of the world to be My Sons and bear My Glory. You were chosen Spiritually by Me before you were conceived. The human mind does not understand this because it will only accept things that are factual, but I formed you in My heart before you were conceived naturally in your mothers’ wombs. When I spoke creation into being, so too you were created and sang with Me in the heavens on the day of creation, and you will sing with Me again on My Kingdom Day as it comes to earth. Your song will be the New Song of praise and worship from the tabernacle of David. Now you live on the earth as My Manchild company of Sons, Faithful Ones and Elect. The world does not know you, My church rejects you but this is because they do not understand the things of My Kingdom. When they reject you they reject Me to their own judgement. All times are in My hands. Again I have kept the revealing of the best wine until last. You are the choicest wine. You are mellow, you are rich, and your aroma is a delight to My nostrils. My Choicest and best wine, I have kept preserved in My Secret Place until the last Feast and I will bring it out with great pride and joy to share with the world. Do not concern yourselves with your earthly circumstances, for they will change. Some of you are feeling that you have made wrong decisions in your lives and are allowing the enemy to condemn you. Do not listen to this for you are in My hand. Believe this and be at rest. I have allowed you to make mistakes in order that I might perfect and change you. This is My business. Accept yourselves with joy. The enemy will try to attack you because he knows that you are an army to be feared. Not as in My church day where I gave them Spiritual weapons for their warfare, but you are My weapons. You are My New army which I will unleash upon the earth. Man thinks of an army in terms of war and destruction, but My New army are warriors of peace and rest. You are My New priesthood anointed to birth My Kingdom Day on the earth. You are My New prophets and teachers. You are My New creation with My Glory and Immortality in you. Rest in who you are and do not be concerned with your temporal circumstances. These will change. You have a High calling and the cares of life will be loosed from you as shackles from a bondman. I am finishing My work in you. I came forth a Spiritual man from a natural womb. You will come forth as natural people from a Spiritual womb. I forsook My Glory to be born a man; you will forsake your natural to be born a Glory people. My Kingdom Day will be a day of rejoicing and praise. A day of great peace and joy never yet seen on the earth. You are My ministers of these things as you introduce the Feast of Tabernacles after the order of David. The earth is travailing under the influence of darkness but as you arise in My Light the darkness will be expelled. Let Me be seen in your faces now. Let your New man come forth as the Day is dawning. You are yet to experience a full personal intimate relationship with Me where I will call you by another name as I did with Solomon. You have joy, responsibility, service and rewards set before you which you do not yet fully know. Be strong and overcome in My victory. Be a rock as mighty people of valour. Your travail is not in vain. I hear every cry and stand by you in every trial. I guide you even as hear My word to you. Your today, your tomorrow and eternity is laid down by Me. Have confidence and trust Me in this. My sheep hear My voice. The day of your revealing is at hand. What Glory will fill the earth. You will have the joy and privilege of representing the Lord of the whole earth. Those who have rejected and hurt you, I will make them to confess that I was in you. I will not have My priesthood trodden down, and the honour I afford to you will Glorify Me for surely you will proclaim that I never left you or forsook you”.(end of quote)