December 18, 2021
Repent! Repent! Repent! The kingdom of heaven is at hand! Those who do not know Me, come now. Drink of the Water of Life. Eat the Fruit of Goodness. Repent of your sins and sin no more. IAM waiting for you. My arms are open wide. Everlasting life awaits those who live in My kingdom. The door will soon shut. Won’t you come to Me? IAM the only way. IAM the Truth and the Life. There are no other gods before Me. I created heaven and earth. I AM the Maker of all things. Do you not hear my still small voice? IAM calling you. Be still and listen. Hearken to My voice while there is still time. I can give you peace, joy and love. Everything your heart always looked for is found with Me. True happiness. Joy. Perfect peace. There is no other way to obtain these things. IAM calling you. Won’t you listen? Lay down your idols. Fulfill your destiny in Me. The battle is about to begin. Whose side will you choose? Mine or the enemy? The enemy will have you think there is nothing at the door, but this is a lie. Look around! All that has been written about will soon come to pass. Return to Me my prodigal ones before it is too late. The world as you know it is about to end. Seek truth My children as the enemy will stop at nothing to deceive you. You must stay very close to Me now. Do not look to the right or to the left. Focus on Me. I will guide you. I have prepared the way. Do not get distracted with the things of this world for they will soon fall away into nothingness. Build your house on the solid foundation of My Word. It is truth. Seek My Kingdom at all times. Pray to Me earnestly. Fast. Praise Me!! IAM your strong tower. In Me you can do all things. Come to Me often. Spend time at My feet. I will give you direction. You are My children, My chosen ones. IAM mighty to save and you are My chosen vessels. Gather unto Me the harvest for it is ripe for picking. Go to those I tell you and I will put words in your mouths. Follow My leading with great boldness. Your reward will be in heaven. Do not delay for time is very short. IAM in you and you are in me. We are one. Surrender yourself to Me and allow Me to use you to further My Kingdom! Are you ready My children to save lost souls? Be ready! For I AM coming! Gather! Gather! Gather! Harvest! Harvest! Harvest! Ripe fruit! Pluck! Pluck! Pluck! Save them! Tell them the truth! Tell them that IAM coming! Tell them of My love for them! They need you children! Go forth and spread the Good News - the Blessed Hope! IAM the Light of the world. My children, I love you! You can do this!
Your redeemer,
Yeshua, Jesus the Christ
Psalm 18:1
Psalm 91
Psalm 23
John 3:16
Matthew 24-25
Luke 13:1-6