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Pt 2 of ‘Set in Place as Stars’ - Christine Beadsworth

Writer's picture: Kathy - Co-Family Team Leader!Kathy - Co-Family Team Leader!


Pt 2 of ‘Set in Place as Stars’ Christine Beadsworth

12/6/22 ­

Precious remnant, After my initial lesson about Ursa Minor representing the manchild company, the Holy Spirit began to reveal more on the topic. It is important that you have seen the position of the constellations I shared in Part 1, so that you understand the basic positioning of Ursa Minor in the Heavens, The Holy Spirit indicated this constellation depicts the manchild company , anchored to the North Star; Polaris. The attached PDF explores the revelation about the manchild's end-time ministry. May you be blessed and enriched! Christine

After my initial lesson about Ursa Minor representing the manchild company, the Holy Spirit began to reveal more on the topic. He showed me how the shape of 7 main stars in this contellation depict the golden censor which is filled with coals and poured out on the earth in Revelation chapter 8.

Rev 8:5 So the angel took the censer and filled it with fire from the altar and cast it upon the earth. Then there followed peals of thunder and loud rumblings and blasts and noises, and flashes of lightning and an earthquake.

Thus amazing piece of information fitted perfectly with the Ursids meteor shower being situated in Ursa Minor this December durng the days of Orthodox Hanukah (19th – 26th ); seemingly emitted from the radiant center, Kochab (meaning ‘awaiting His coming’). Meteors are giant burning coals hurled through the heavens, and, as we know from part 1, these particular fiery coals come from the ‘cauldron’ of the God of Glory Who is thundering in the heavens.

Remember, after being prepared and set in place in heavenly places during November, we are expecting


Think of those burning coals gathered from the golden altar... I discussed burning coals in part 1 and how the COAL MUST BE IN THE FIRE BEFORE THE FIRE IS IN THE COAL. The golden altar is before the curtain that conceals the Holy of Holies in the temple. It faces the hidden ark of God’s presence behind the veil. Revelation 11 speaks of those who worship at the altar. It si nto talking about the altar of sacrifice in the outer court. This is a place of slaughter, burnt offering and collecting of blood to atone for sin. The altar referred to in Revelation 11 is the golden altar in the Holy Place, where continual incense is burned and Revelation 8:3 tells us this represents the worship and prayers of the saints. So the measuring unto protection that Revelation 11:1 describes is of those who have anchored themselves before the invisible ark of His presence, continuing in worship and prayer and living holy lives. When the sensor is filled with fire from the altar, what is he gathering up? Fragrant incensecoated coals of fire! And these saints who have lain long in this surrendered position before the altar represent the bondslaves of the Lamb. The casting of the fire on the earth demonstrates the RELEASE of manchild company into end-time ministry, FILLED WITH THE SPIRIT OF MIGHT. They are filled with FIRE-POWER, having been baptised with a fiery anointing as the fire has entered into the coal and ignited it. This is what Creation has been groaning for – the MANIFESTATION of the sons of God, the REVEALING of those who have entered the fullness of the stature of Christ and are counted trustworthy to take over their Father’s business.

The washing with the water of the Word by the Spirit of Elijah has prepared the bondslaves of the Lord for this induction into ministry, but the baptism of FIRE has come from Heaven, just as when Elijah had commanded 12 containers of water to be poured on the correctly prepared sacrifice in 1 Kings 18.

1Ki 18:32 And with the stones Elijah built an altar in the name [and self-revelation] of the Lord. He made a trench about the altar as great as would contain two measures of seed. 1Ki 18:33 He put the wood in order and cut the bull in pieces and laid it on the wood and said, Fill four jars with water and pour it on the burnt offering and the wood. 1Ki 18:34 And he said, Do it the second time. And they did it the second time. And he said, Do it the third time. And they did it the third time. 1Ki 18:35 The water ran round about the altar, and he filled the trench also with water. 1Ki 18:36 At the time of the offering of the evening sacrifice, Elijah the prophet came near and said, O Lord, the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Israel, let it be known this day that You are God in Israel and that I am Your servant and that I have done all these things at Your word. 1Ki 18:37 Hear me, O Lord, hear me, that this people may know that You, the Lord, are God, and have turned their hearts back [to You]. 1Ki 18:38 Then the fire of the Lord fell and consumed the burnt sacrifice and the wood and the stones and the dust, and also licked up the water that was in the trench. 1Ki 18:39 When all the people saw it, they fell on their faces and they said, The Lord, He is God! The Lord, He is God!

The trench big enough to contain two measures of SEED depicts the seed who are the sons and daughters of the right hand. The firstborn always received a double portion inheritance and Yeshua, the Firstborn From Among the Dead therefore receives a double portion inheritance in the form of SEED (or sons of God). This 42nd generation is drenched with an APOSTOLIC MEASURE of the water of the Word, after which the baptism of fire is sent from Heaven upon them. And watch this!! The water becomes water vapour – that’s a change of state! That’s transfiguration! Halleluyah!

Similarly, the rightly prepared sacrifice of Elijah represents the bondslaves of the Lamb, dead to self and fully surrendered. All those days of washing with the Spirit of Elijah has brought you to full surrender, brim-full of the Voice that is like the sound of many waters. His people offer themselves willingly in the day of His power. From the womb of the morning spring forth His young men (sons) who are as dew! This is recorded in Psalm 110. The casting of the coals of fragrant fire upon the earth is the same as the young men who are as the dew! Dew falls all over the earth and has its source in the heavens and the fire cast on the earth in Revelation 8 impacts the whole earth! In every nation, the bondslaves of the Lamb emerge into plain view, with the fire of the Word burning within their spirits. The manchild company has been inducted into endtime ministry and the result fo this release is described in Rev 8:5

voices, thunderings, and lightnings and an earthquake

Remember John identified himself as a ‘voice’ as he began his Heaven-mandated ministry for preparing the way for the COMING of the Lord. The manifestation of the manchild company (aka the revealing of the sons of God) will have a similar impact on the earth. All over the earth, holy bondslaves of the Lamb will release their sound. Through them, the revelation light of God and the thunder of His voice will be heard – and the result will be a great shaking in every nation under heaven. John caused an earthquake of note amongst the Pharisees of the spiritual establishment and the status quo of the community. Great boldness will be a hallmark of the manchild company as they fulfil their mandates. When the fiery Word of God is burning in your belly, the threats of man have no impact on you!

Think again of the pictures I shared with you of the position of Ursa Minor in the heavens in the morning watch of Orthodox Hanukah, as the Ursids meteor shower radiates from those who watch for His coming and bombard the belly of the beast; that great dragon positioned below Little Bear in the NE sky in this 4th watch of the night – the morning watch. Oh yes, from the womb of the morning, God is going to be releasing His D.E.W., directed energy weapons – fiery fragrant coals straight from worship at the altar of incense!

Layer Upon Layer

After digesting all this, the Spirit took me to the verse describing the location of the earthly Mount Zion – ‘the sides of the North, the city of the great king’ (Ps 48:2 ). Then I was instructed to layer the star map of Ursa Minor in the position of the poured-out censor (in the morning watch position), with Polaris placed over Jerusalem. Then I saw how perfect the fit was for the stars of Ursa Minor other significant places! Kochab is positioned right over Bethabara (where John was baptising) and a 3rd star, Anwar al Farkadain (meaning ‘the brighter of the two calves’), is directly over Qumran!

As the star over Qumran is called “the BRIGHTER of the two calves”, it helps us understand that those who shine like stars can have different levels of glory; the two calves displaying greater glory vs lesser glory.

1Co 15:41 There is one glory of the sun, and another glory of the moon, and another glory of the stars: for one star differs from another star in glory.

The star named the ‘calf with the lesser glory’ is positioned in the middle of the Dead Sea ( picturing bondslaves who are unseen and unknown and content to shine for Heaven’s sight alone).

This mention of calves leads us to Malachi 4:2 and calves released during day that burns like oven.

So, we know that this golden censor is poured out during the morning watch of the Day that burns like an oven.

Those who Watch for His Coming

Now I want to discuss the alignment of Kochab with Bethabara in more detail, as there are a lot of prophetic parallels. We have discussed previously that John operated in the Spirit of Elijah, calling people to repentance and baptizing them in the river Jordan. He also continually announced the COMING of the Messiah. The Bible mentions the specific place where this was occurring.

Joh 1:27 It is He Who, coming after me, is preferred before me, the string of Whose sandal I am not worthy to unloose. Joh 1:28 These things occurred in Bethany (Bethabara) across the Jordan [at the Jordan crossing], where John was then baptizing.

Bethabara (G962) means ‘house of the ferry’ and comes from two words, meaning ‘house’ and ‘crossing place’. Beth can also be translated ‘family’ or ‘household’. Abarah comes from the root word ‘abar’ meaning: to cross over; used very widely of any transition (literally or figuratively); to cover (in copulation); convey over, deliver, escape, set apart, cause to (make) sound.

So… the place where the Spirit of Elijah was washing with the water of the Word is where the company of those who are set apart and watching for His coming are being prepared for intimacy - AND they are going to be delivered. They are also those who release a SOUND, in other words, they are the ‘VOICE’ in the wilderness preparing the way of the Lord. And from the centre of this company, fiery coals of righteous judgements are going to be released upon the dragon.

Polaris Kochab Perkhab The Calves

Little Bear (Ursa Minor) depicts the whole Manchild Company who live surrounded by and in close proximity to the enemy (dragon) and his mouthpieces, but they are anchored to true North and remain safe and protected. Out of the midst of them, God rules in the midst of His enemies (Ps 110)

The Set-apart Ones

Qumran is only eight miles from Bethabara. It is here that the Essenes dwelt in set-apartness to Yahweh, guarding the purity of His Word in a time where a large majority of the priesthood had gone into mixture and defilement. The caves in which the Dead Sea Scrolls were found are only five miles from Bethabara. Here the Word had been hidden from the enemies of God’s people, to preserve it for future generations. Have I not spoken many times of coming out of mixture and becoming set-apart and holy to the Lord, and also of hiding His Word in your heart so it cannot be stolen from you?

Josephus tells us that the Essenes often raised other people’s children (Wars 2:8:3) and it seems that this is where John was raised after fleeing with his mother to escape Herod’s decree to murder all infants under age 2. The Essenes were an insular community, but when the Word of the Lord came to John, it was clear it would involve interaction with the religious men; scribes and Pharisees, and also with the community round about. So, the Spirit led John away from the place of hiddenness to a public ministry – one of confrontation with religious spirits, while he prepared people’s hearts to receive the Messiah.

The star that falls over Qumran in the positioning of Ursa Minor over the map of this area of Israel is Anwar al Farkadain (meaning ‘the brighter of the two calves’). Malachi 4 speaks of the calves being set free from the stall. So, Qumran represents the ‘stall’ – the place of being shut in, fed and sheltered during the night hours. But when the call of the Spirit of Elijah came, along with specifics of John’s blueprint and part in Heaven’s story, he was released from the stall, and, with joy, set about fulfilling what the Word of God had spoken over him in a new position - Bethabara. He was personally awaiting the coming of Messiah, but now he had a very active role to play for round about 6 months before Jesus appeared in the fullness of time to do as the Father had called Him to do. Why this time period? Because John was 6 months older than Jesus and stepped into ministry at age 30, 6 months earlier, as a ‘preparer of the way’ for Jesus.

In the same way in these end-times, some of the manchild company will come out of physical setapartness and hiddenness (or the stall of Qumran) and begin interacting with the community, calling them to repentance and preparing their hearts for the coming Bridegroom. Of course, it goes without saying that there will also be standoffs with those who consider themselves superior spiritual leaders in the area. John does not mince words with them. He knows time was short and, filled with the fiery anointing of the Spirit of Elijah, he rebukes them and calls them to bear fruit in keeping with repentance. There is no room for the fear of man amongst the manchild company. The Spirit of the Fear of the Lord is mightily upon them!

Mat 3:7 But when he saw many of the Pharisees and Sadducees coming for baptism, he said to them, You brood of vipers! Who warned you to flee and escape from the wrath and indignation [of God against disobedience] that is coming? Mat 3:8 Bring forth fruit that is consistent with repentance [let your lives prove your change of heart]; Mat 3:9 And do not presume to say to yourselves, We have Abraham for our forefather; for I tell you, God is able to raise up descendants for Abraham from these stones! Mat 3:10 And already the axe is lying at the root of the trees; every tree therefore that does not bear good fruit is cut down and thrown into the fire.

Separated By Sin

Now, I want to discuss the star that falls on the other side of the Dead Sea, in the Plains of Moab. Its name is Pherkad, meaning ‘the kid’. In Old Testament times, kids were used as sin offerings. A kid is the offspring of a goat. We all know the story Jesus told of separating the sheep from the goats. The sheep entered into their inheritance but the goats were portioned judgement. It is no coincidence that Baphomet, the horned goat god is the one worshipped by the Freemasons. Moab is the place of uncleanness; the dwelling place of a people born of incest between Lot and his daughter and the Moabites were the enemies of God’s people for generations. The offspring or kids of the goat array themselves as enemies of the true followers of God. Positioned away from the place of washing and repentance; Bethabara, they serve a different god.

I found it strange that in a constellation which the Holy spirit was using to refer to the set-apart remnant, there was a star representing a sin-offering. And then the Lord took me again to Malachi 3.

Mal 3:16 Then those who feared the Lord talked often one to another; and the Lord listened and heard it, and a book of remembrance was written before Him of those who reverenced and worshipfully feared the Lord and who thought on His name. Mal 3:17 And they shall be Mine, says the Lord of hosts, in that day when I publicly recognize and openly declare them to be My jewels (My special possession, My peculiar treasure). And I will spare them, as a man spares his own son who serves him.

Here you have a description of Kochab. And what does God say of them? Because of their heart attitude and their fear of the Lord, He will spare them, as SONS – they will be spared or delivered (one of the meanings of ‘abar’). However, the Word distinctly speaks of those who do not get delivered:

Mal 3:18 Then shall you look back and discern between the righteous and the wicked, between him who serves God and him who does not serve Him.

Who doesn’t get saved in the day that burns like an oven? Those who don’t serve Him; the KIDS OF THE GOAT GOD. Pherkad represents the wicked, left without root or branch in the Day that burns like an oven (Malachi 4:1). So, the gulf between Kochab and Pherkad; or Bethabara and the Plains of Moab(in the overlay I was instructed to do), is clear. It is the separation between those who fear God and tremble at His Word and those who do not. Judgement and separation - safety vs the axe being laid at the root of the tree are all part of the Day that burns like an oven.

Pherkad is connected to Kochab, the radiant center of the Ursids meteor shower because righteous judgement released on the wicked is connected to the casting of the golden sensor upon the earth in the day that burns like an oven.

In the end, there are two seed in the earth; two armies – the seed of the Son of God and the sons of the serpent. Distinction and separation are necessary to differentiate between those appointed deliverance and those marked for judgement. When the people of God left Egypt, Pharaoh’s army followed them to return them to slavery. The pillar of cloud formed a separating barrier during the dark night, but the sound of their threats was not silenced, nor did God deal with them right then. It was only in the morning watch that a permanent separation took place.

Those soldiers thundered down the roadway made for God’s people to flee, but as the last ex-slave took their final step onto the opposite shore, the waters closed on the thundering army and cut them off. Why did God do it this way? To draw out those appointed judgement into open view, so that full judgement could take place. And so it is today, those who may have masqueraded as children of God in past seasons are now making their spiritual DNA clear. Because it is now time for harvest, the tares reveal their hiding places in amongst the wheat and are marked for removal and appointed the fire of judgement. The kids who have hidden among the lambs are now being marked and removed to the left hand to receive judgement. The seed of the serpent are now stepping out into the light and revealing their true parentage. Remember, Judas was amongst the disciples, until the day of distinction and separation. The kids are separated from the lambs but how does this occur - by making a distinction as to who is holy, one automatically indicates who is unholy. Precious remnant, you cannot prevent this distinction making itself plain, nor prevent people from choosing which side of dividing line they choose to stand. Just concentrate on making your salvation sure and watching for Him Who comes. Focus on fulfilling the blueprint for which you will give an account.

At ‘Bethabara’, souls are responding to the Spirit of Elijah’s call to repent, as the fully prepared ones, who are part of the ‘voice’ at the edge of the wilderness; the Manchild company, boldly fulfil their endtime orders to announce His coming. This is both an announcement of a spiritual fact and a LAST WARNING to the inhabitants of the earth. The sons of God are a shofar blast in the earth trumpeting the real time on Heaven’s clock. They are the end-time sons of oil, warning and calling people to turn back to God for 3 &1/2 yrs. Dressed in sackcloth, which is a sign of repentance and mourning, they fulfil their blueprint by releasing a fiery sound. The Heavens are declaring what time it is as Psalm 19 so beautifully describes AND the bondslaves of the Lamb are shouting the same message at the same time, “He is coming, He is coming He is coming! Repent!”


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