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"New Oil for Old" - Christine Beadsworth

Christine Beadsworth

Released 8/24/22


I'm just going to be sharing with you the things the Lord has been discussing with me in the last week or so. Last week, I was instructed to go back and read my journal from 2019. And in it, the Lord reminded me that at that time I had had a dream that I would be staying for three and a half years in a granary. I was given the key for the granary and it was going to be accommodation for me in that time. When the door of the granary opened, a whole torrent of grain poured out at my feet and out of that grain there materialized in the air, a room. It was an oak-panelled room with furniture in it; armchairs and a writing desk. And the Lord said to me that this would be the actual room that I would be dwelling in for the next three and a half years. The writing desk was there because it was in that room where I would write my books. The year 2019 was the year when I wrote the three endtime books; The End Time Wine, The End Time Fire and the End Time Light. As I reread my journal, I remember that the Lord told me that the oak panelling in the room represented portions of the lives of oaks of righteousness, saints who had gone before. They contained wisdom and instruction and counsel. So, I placed my hand on the one oak panel, and the Lord said to me, “That is a panel from My oak of righteousness. Enoch”. And as I placed my hand on the panel, I heard a voice saying, “Reorder your time according to the clock. Reorder your day according to the time. Reorder your heart according to the four winds”. At the time I sort of understood the first two instructions, but the third one made absolutely no sense to me. I knew that ‘reorder your time according to the clock’ meant to wisely use my time by connecting it to the clock of Heaven, Heaven's calendar, Heaven's time and to what was going on in the heavenly realm, not according to earthly clocks and the 24-hour days. In other words, I was to have understanding of the times. The second instruction was to reorder my day according to the time. In other words, once I had understanding of the times, what I did during my days on earth had to be in alignment with my understanding of the times - that I was not to waste time or be involved in the fruitless things that were temporal, but to be involved in the things which were eternal, because I had understanding of the times. But that third thing - reorder your heart according to the four winds… I had not understood at all and I had kind of put it on the shelf. So, I said to the Lord, when I was rereading my journal, “I still don't understand what that means. And He said, “Why don't you ask Enoch what he meant?” So, I just spoke into the air and I said, “Enoch, what did you mean when you said ‘Reorder your heart according to the four winds’?” And immediately I heard a voice saying, “Face True North and anchor your heart there at the throne of the True King, Face East and watch for the coming of the Son of righteousness, Face South, and know that you are a son of the right hand. Face West, and know that all that is behind you has gone and will never be again.” Those were utterly profound instructions. So, obviously, the four winds come from the north, the south, east and the west. But he had me start facing True North, facing the throne of God, facing the city of God that is on the sides of the North and anchoring my heart there - so that whatever storms or winds or troubles came on the earth, my heart was anchored safely at the throne. And obviously, he had me rotating in a clockwise manner to face the direction of the four winds. When I faced East and was told to watch for the coming of the Son of righteousness, he was telling me that my eyes need to be focused on what Malachi 4 describes: ‘and the sun of righteousness will arise with healing in his wings’, but it will be during the day that burns like an oven. But for those who fear his name, the Sun of righteousness is coming with healing in His wings and we will be released and skip about for joy like calves. Now, if you are a farmer or if you've ever seen calves skipping, it is the most delightful sight. They kick their heels up in the air and gambol about. It's such an amazing expression of joy! If you had to depict joy in an animal, it would be the skipping of a calf or lambs. So, that was to be where my focus must be - on the coming of the Sun of Righteousness, not on what the day that burns like the oven is doing, burning up the wicked and leaving them with no root or branch (because that's going to be going on all around us as bondslaves of the Lord). But we are to face East and watch. A watchman at his watch post is to watch the horizon and see what's coming over in order to announce it to the people so that they can be prepared. And it is the Sun of Righteousness that is rising, like the sun rises in the East with healing in His wings. And then the facing South... For those of you who don't know, the Hebrew word for ‘South’ also means ‘right hand’. In other words, if you're facing East, the South would be where your right hand is. So, when he said, “Face South and know that you are a son of the right hand”, it means there has been an identification and a marking and a naming and a separation as ‘sons of the right hand’. Lastly, “face West and know that all that is behind you has gone and will never be again”... If we are facing East, on our watch post, focussed and watching for the coming of the Sun of righteousness, the West is behind our back and we need to know and make peace with the fact that everything that has been in our lives; both good and bad, is past and will never be again - the way of life we knew in the past, the way we lived all our days up till now has gone and will never be again. Even the good things that have happened in our walk with God and the ministries He's had us in, the way He's used us in the past is over and past and will never be again. We are entering a new season with a focus on the coming of the Sun of Righteousness because the Day of the Lord that burns like an oven is at the door. So, all that has given me much food for thought in that one thing “REORDER YOUR HEART ACCORDING TO THE FOUR WINDS”. I was told where to anchor my heart, where to focus the eyes of my heart, where my mind needed to know my positioning and my identification, and I needed to know that there had been a cutting off of the old chapter. Now, if you're following the early Barley Ripeness Calendar, the 22nd of Elul was on Sunday and it was the day when the fresh oil offering was offered up; on the 50th day after the new wine had been offered to the Lord. So before the farmers can reap their crops and begin to press and use the oil for their own needs, the first fruits offering olive oil had to be offered up before the Lord. And if you remember, at Passover, they were instructed to take grain of ‘a fresh and fruitful ear’ of grain, and when I was pondering on the olives being harvested for the first fruits offering, I heard the phrase ‘a fresh and fruitful branch’. That took me to Zechariah, where the Lord said, “I will bring forth My servant, the Branch”. Now a branch in itself can either be from a vine or from a tree. Jesus said that He is the vine and we are the branches - but that would be connected to the first fruits offering of wine, because the branch of the vine produces grapes. But at the pentecost of oil, the branch is the branch of an olive tree. And let's just read that in Zechariah 3. Do you remember Joshua was taken out of the fire, his dirty garments were taken away. He was clothed with rich apparel, and then the Lord said to him, “If you walk in my ways and keep my charge, you will rule My house and have charge of my courts, and I will give you access and places to walk amongst these who stand here". What was God saying? He was giving him access to the throne room. And then God said something very significant in Zechariah 3:8, “now, Joshua, the High Priest, you and your colleagues who sit before you, they are men who are a sign. For behold. I will bring forth My servant, the Branch”. And then He adds more about the Branch, “for behold upon the stone, which I have said before, Joshua, upon one stone are seven eyes, and I will carve upon it its inscription, says the Lord of hosts”. So, God is linking His servant, the Branch, to the seven spirits of God being endowed upon that servant. And He's also saying that His servant, the Branch, is a corporate company because it's not only Joshua, the high priest, it's ‘you and your colleagues are a sign’. The interesting thing is that word ‘sign’ in Hebrew also means ‘miracles’. So Zechariah 3:8 could be translated. ‘Oh, Joshua, the high priest, you and your colleagues who sit before you are men of miracles, for behold, I will bring forth My servant, the Branch’. So that's a very interesting thing because God's corporate servant vessel, the Branch, will operate in the seven spirits of God and be men (and women) of miracles. In Zechariah 4, where the prophet sees the olive tree, first he sees the two olive tree and their connection to the lampstand. And then when he looks more closely, he sees more detail - there are two olive branches from two trees and there are two pipes and two candlesticks. So, there is another key here. God's servant, the Branch is a two-fold company. In Zechariah 4:12, he asks a question of the angel. He says, “What are these two olive branches beside the two spouts by which the golden oil is emptied out?” And the angel answers him and says, “These are the two sons of oil, the two anointed ones that stand before the Lord of the whole earth”. Now, there's another key there, because Joshua has just been told in the previous chapter that if he keeps the charge God gives him, he will be given places to walk ‘amongst those who stand here’. Those who stand here were standing BEFORE THE THRONE, before the Lord of the whole earth, who is upon the throne. So, Joshua and his compatriots are a type and a picture of God's servant, the Branch Company who stand in the throne room. They are given positioning to walk in the throne room before the Lord of the whole earth. And that is given because of faithfulness – ‘if you will keep My charge’… when God gives us something to do, like a watchman, if he will keep his watch on his watchtower, that's keeping the charge of the Lord. So I asked the Lord, “Lord, I have spent the last three and a half years, (probably from Passover, 2019. Would take me to Rosh Hashanah 2022, three and a half years) I have spent those years in the Room of Knowledge, that room that materialized out of the grainary (remember God named it as the Room of Knowledge). And at the time when I wrote the three End Time books, I didn't realize I was operating in the Spirit of Knowledge. I actually didn't twig that, but I would get up every morning at 4:30 and sit in my study, and as I sat down, the words would come and I just wrote them. I was given the knowledge to write those words. And I have to be honest with you, when I pick up those books and I read them, I think, “oh, my goodness, wow. Really? Did I write this? Wow”. And obviously, as the three and a half years have gone by, the Lord has added more revelation. But it's all based on those three End Time books. They were a gift to the end time army of God, the Bride and the Manchild. So, I said to the Lord, “Okay, so that three and a half years is coming to an end. You told me I would leave that room after three and a half years, which is coming up Rosh Hashanah this year, (which, if you are following the early barley ripeness calendar is coming up the next wee end, on the 28th or the 29th of August, depending on when the new moon is seen. If you're following the rabbinic calendar, it is in a month's time). Lord, what comes after the Room of Knowledge? Where am I going to be situated and positioned after the Room of Knowledge?” And immediately, He said, “The Room of the Fear of the Lord”. And I asked Him, “where is the room of the fear of the Lord?” He didn't say anything. First, He gave me a picture of the 24 elders bowing low and casting their crowns before the throne in Revelation 4 and saying, “Worthy are You…” He showed me that picture first and then He said, “It is the throne room”. Then I remembered that Isaiah 11:1-3, which is a description of Jesus as He walked in His earthly ministry, but it is also a description of the manchild, the seven spirits shall rest upon Him. And it says in verse 3, ‘and his delight will be in the fear of the Lord’. Now, of the seven spirits of God, I mean, one's delight could be in the Spirit of Revelation and the things that you're shown. Or it could be in the Spirit of might and the power that operates because of being moved by that Spirit. But Jesus's delight, the thing that gave Him the most joy was the fear of the Lord. He delighted in walking in the fear of the Lord. In Isaiah 66, God is having a conversation and He says, “Where is the house that you will build for Me?” And then a little bit further on, He says, ‘But this is the man for whom I will have regard, he who trembles at My word’. In other words, somebody who so values the words that comes from God's mouth, that he trembles and walks in the fear of the Lord and is quick to obey. This is the one for whom God will have regard and notice and honor. And it sees a little bit further on in Isaiah 66. God's hand will be known to be towards his servants and against his enemies. In Malachi 3, towards the end of the chapter we read ‘and those who feared the Lord spoke often to one another, and a Book of Remembrance was written of those who feared the Lord and who thought on His name, and they will be my jewels in the day when I openly display them, says the Lord. And I will spare them as a man spares his own son who serves him, and you will look back and you will discern between the righteous and the wicked’. So, it's speaking of entering a time when God is going to open that Book of Remembrance with the names of those who fear the Lord and have trembled at His Word, He's going to open that book and He is going to display them and let their lives be marked as His jewels, his ’segullah’ in Hebrew, as His precious treasures. And it is going to be clearly evident who are his sons because He will spare them during judgment as a man spares his own son who serves him. So, in the day that burns like the oven, those who are identified and marked as those who have feared the Lord; who have been recorded as walking continually in the fear of the Lord, are going to be spared and protected when the wicked are being left without root or branch. So, it's very significant that the Lord said to me that the room in which I'm going to now be positioned is the Room of the Fear of the Lord; the Throne Room. When I asked what this room looked like, I was shown row upon row of people in white garments. They were bowed low. In fact, I could not see their faces. All I could see was the round part of the back as they bowed low before Him. And it actually looked like a cobbled road - rows and rows of cobbles. But they were people bowed very low on their faces before the Lord. And once again, the 24 elders were brought to mind as they cast their crowns before Him and bowed low and the four living creatures were continually saying “holy, holy, holy”, continually, day and night. The atmosphere of the throne room is a very heavy presence of the fear of the Lord. And as I looked at those people bowed low on their faces before God, row upon row upon row in the Room of the Fear of the Lord, I understood they were the faceless ones who wanted no glory, who were prostrated, worshiping and offering their lives before the One upon the throne, and they looked like a cobbled road because it was a highway for the coming of the Lord. Do you remember John the Baptist when they asked him, “Who are you?” he said, “I am a voice of one who cries, ‘Prepare in the wilderness the way of the Lord, make straight in the desert a highway for our God’”. He quoted Isaiah 40:3. John knew his part in the word. He knew that his life was to be a manifestation of that Scripture, and he was rightly positioned. That is why John always preached on the wilderness side of the Jordan, because he was appointed to release his sound in the wilderness. As people got baptized in the Jordan, in a baptism of repentance, which was John's baptism, he was calling them to become a highway for the coming of the Lord. He prepared in the WILDERNESS the way of the Lord. Now, if you remember in the Book of Acts, it says that Saul was persecuting the disciples of Jesus, and it says that they identified themselves as people of ‘the Way’. So, in this day, there is a corporate vessel arising; a company who prepares in the wilderness the way of the Lord. This corporate vessel is the friend of the Bridegroom. John was Jesus’ cousin, the friend of the Bridegroom. The man child company prepares in the wilderness the way or those who are identified as The Way of the Lord. And they are making and preparing a highWAY for the coming of the Bridegroom. And as Isaiah 44 goes on to say, ‘every valley shall be lifted up and every mountain shall be made low and the crooked places straight and the rough places plain and the glory of the Lord shall be revealed, and all flesh shall see it together for the mouth of the Lord has spoken it’. The laying down of the lives of those who make up the highway for the coming of the Bridegroom ensures the revealing of the glory of the Lord. So on Sunday 21st, when it was Elul 22 (early barley ripeness calendar) the day of the offering up of the fresh oil, the Pentecost of oil, I pondered much on the oil. And the Lord had me do a prophetic action. Do you remember that I said to you that when the fresh oil offering was offered, all the old oil was thrown out and burnt and was no longer available, and the fresh oil was a sign that there would be a new harvest of oil coming in. Now, oil represents anointing, but it also represents light. And so, what the Lord had me do was take my little clay oil lamp that has written on it, ‘Children of Light’, pour out the old oil and refill it with fresh oil; add some frankincense and trim the wick. Then what He told me to do was pour the old oil onto a stack of firewood that I had next to my fireplace. I knew I needed to burn the oil but wasn't quite sure how to do it, and there was the firewood lying there. So, I poured the old oil out of my little oil lamp onto the firewood, made a fire, and burnt up the old oil. Now, here's the thing - the only way to stop us using old oil for light is to burn it up in one action so that the bridge to the old season is burnt, because as human beings, we love the familiar. We love the old light. We love the old understanding. But if you want new light, if you want fresh understanding, you have to let go of the old light. You have to let go of the old oil, the old anointing and the past season. Remember Enoch said to me, “Face West and know that all that has passed will never be again”. Now, it's really hard to let go of old light because it's what you have walked by with your little lamp inside your heart. The revelation that you have already received and the light that it's given you is what you have seen your path by. It's how you've known where to walk and what to do and to take a lamp, quench the light of the of the past season and pour out the old oil is really hard to do because then, for a time, darkness lies on the face of the deep. Until God says, “Let there be light”. Do you remember in Genesis 1, it says the Spirit was brooding on the face of the deep, and then God said, “Let there be light”? Interestingly enough, in the early barley calendar today. he 24th of August is the 25th of Elul, which is the anniversary of the first day of Creation. It is the day when darkness was upon the face of the deep, and the Spirit brooded upon the face of the waters. And God said,” Let there be light”, and He separated the light from the darkness. So, when you pour out your old oil, commit it to the fire and know that the revelation and understanding of a past season is over, yes, your life has been built upon it and it has brought you to this point BUT if you are desiring fresh oil and new light from the Spirit of God who is always moving forward, then there is an understanding that what is passed is over and will not be again. AND ONE NEEDS TO LET IT GO. And there has to be an emptying before there can be a refilling. So darkness for a short while is unavoidable. And the darkness on the face of the deep is a very uncomfortable place to find yourself. I think there are a few of you, maybe more than I know, who are finding yourself in a strange place. The people that you used to listen to, to get teaching and understanding - you're finding nothing in it anymore. In fact, you can hardly listen to them. The worship that you used to worship with, the songs, they just feel like there's no anointing upon them anymore. You don't even want to listen to them or sing them. That all represents the oil of an old season. It's over and it will never be again. And so, you have switched it off and you've not listened. But you're in a place where now it's darkness. You don't know what God's doing. You don't know what you're supposed to be doing. You don't know what comes next. You understand the long-term plans of God, but it's really an uncomfortable place to be in the Spirit. But I want you to know that Psalm 18:11 tells us that darkness is His hiding place. And that the Spirit is brooding upon the face of the darkness that you're sensing over the deep on your heart. Right now, you cannot see the light for the next step. The light hasn't come yet because the old oil hasn't been poured out yet. There has to be FRESH OIL in the lamp and it has to be kindled in order for you to see where the next step is. So, for me, the Lord has indicated and I think for the manchild company and the tip of the spear as a whole, the room we're entering is the Room of the Fear of the Lord. It is a room of surrendered vessels willing to be emptied and refilled and ignited, just like those in the upper room who had walked for 40 days with Jesus, He was guiding, teaching about the kingdom. But then He was gone. And they had been instructed to wait until power is poured from on high. So, they were almost, in a sense, in a place where there was darkness on the face of the deep and the Spirit was brooding. But they came to the place of being all in one accord, in one place, of one mind, bowed before the Lord - just like those people I saw in the Room of the Fear of the Lord. “Holy, holy, holy is the Lord. Holy, holy, holy...” the four living creatures cry day and night. The fear of the Lord will keep you stationary in an uncomfortable place if He has said to ‘wait, until…’ Oil for a New Season So, what is the oil of the new season? What is the anointing being dispensed for the season we are walking into? As we enter the time of being appointed places to stand before the throne. Well, Zechariah 3:8 says ‘You and your colleagues are men who are a sign, or men of miracles”. S,o miracles are a sign of the powerful working of the Holy Spirit. When the early disciples were preaching the gospel, the Lord worked with them, confirming the word with SIGNS, and wonders! The Lord worked with them, confirming the word with miracles and wonders. And if we look in Revelation 11:4-6, where it describes the two Sons of Oil, which are the corporate twofold vessel, God’s servant, the Branch, it says they stand before the Lord of the whole earth. They are in Heaven before the throne and on earth at the same time - just as Jesus was! Fire comes out of their mouths; they have power over the elements, they are able to decree no rain, they can turn water to blood and smite the earth with plagues, very much like Moses operated in in Egypt. Sounds very much like men who are signs, or men of miracles. So they are operating in the Spirit of Might. The oil of the new season, for those whose delight is in the fear of the Lord is the Spirit of Might - might and power. We've seen in the last few years much flow of the Spirit of Revelation, the Spirit of Wisdom, Spirit of Counsel, and the Spirit of Knowledge. But the Spirit of Might has yet to be seen in any significant portion in the earth amongst the endtime remnant. And this is the oil, I believe, of the new season, because the Spirit of Might. Is connected to the glory realm, and the glory realm is the realm of the throne. Paul writes in one of his epistles and he says, ‘May you be strengthened with might out of the rich treasury of His glory to exercise endurance and patience with joy’, strengthened with might out of the treasury of His glory, the spirit of might and the glory realm are intimately connected. So the oil of the old season is being poured out and the oil of the new season is then being released. Psalm 92 says ‘You anoint my head with fresh oil’. Fresh oil speaks of the oil of a new harvest, freshly pressed. And then it says, ‘You exalt my horn like that of a wild ox’. Now the horn is always indicative of power, and some translations say, ‘You exalt my horn like that of a unicorn’. So that is speaking about power and might - the anointing of fresh oil in the season that we are walking into is for the impartation of the spirit of might. It is out of the rich treasury of His glory, and it comes upon those whose delight is in the fear of the Lord. So, we are presently in the days of the wood offering being brought to the temple. After the Fresh Oil Festival on the 22nd of Elul, there were six days of wood offerings brought to the temple. There was no festival for wood offerings. Wood was just needed for the brazen altar in the outer court, which was a place of offerings for sin. And the wood offering speaks of the axe being laid to the root of those trees in whom there is found no fruit of repentance. So, on the one hand, we have the outpouring of oil, fresh oil and then the igniting of it. The fresh oil that was brought in was brought into the Holy Place, and the menorah or candlestick was lit. It was ignited, speaking of a baptism of fire and powerful anointing. And in the outer court, the wood offering, with no fanfare or festivity, was also ignited and burnt in the outer court for an offering. So, two ignitings in different parts of the temple; different lives, different fruit, the fruit of those who walk in the fear of the Lord and have set themselves apart in holiness for His purposes. These ones will spring forth from the womb of the morning like the dew. Psalm 110 says, ‘My people will offer themselves willingly in the day of Your power; from the womb of the morning will spring forth your young men who are as the dew’. These are those whom the Lord spares as a man spares his own son who serves him. So, may we be those whose delight is in the fear of the Lord, not delighting in revelation or knowledge or wisdom or the applause of men, but our delight being in the fear of the Lord. That is speaking of having right priority, right focus. To fear the Lord is to hate evil. We are going to be those who tremble at His Word and are quick to obey. The other igniting is as a result of judgement and a cutting down. Anointing of the head with fresh oil is also a sign of anointing for kingship. In the olden days, the pouring of oil on the head for the anointing of a king. They used to pour it in a circle on the head. So, golden oil in a place where a golden crown would sit. So, in the in the ancient understanding, crowning and anointing the head with oil was of equal significance because the head was CROWNED with fresh oil. Solomon went down to Gijon on a donkey and Zadok, the priest who remained faithful when others were unfaithful, and Nathan, the faithful prophet who rebuked David for his sin, both anointed Solomon as king, by pouring fresh oil out of a horn onto his head. And so, there is coming also in the pouring of fresh oil that is for the season ahead. Anointing for kingship. Kingship and the spirit of might go hand in hand because kingship conveys authority to rule; authority to decree, authority to subdue. And the spirit of might is in operation in all those things. Kings operate in might and power. So, I just wanted to share these things with you. I also just want to say that in the in the pouring out of the old oil and the filling with new oil, coupled with the chopping down of trees, we are entering a time when God will be removing lampstands from the places of fellowship and assemblies who have not returned to their first love during the season of preparation that we've been in up to now. There is coming a time where ministries that have operated in anointing and operated in the power of God and have seen the favor of God, but yet have lost their first love and have been rebuked by the Lord about it and warned; those who have not heeded, like the trees that have shown no fruit of repentance, even after an extra year of intercession and grace for repentance; the lampstands are going to be removed from their places. And the reason why I know we are entering a time when this is going to be happening, a time when the Spirit is going to lift and leave the assemblies of those who have not returned to their first love and have not heeded the voice of rebuke &f warning to realign is because the Lord took me to a particular fellowship on the Sunday morning, which was the day of the fresh oil offering. He took me to a fellowship that I had last been to a couple of years previously, and the last time I was there, I experienced a very powerful presence of the Lord. The pastor was very anointed. He preached an amazing word and operated strongly in the prophetic as well. And I had an encounter with the Spirit in that place where I was actually so powerfully touched, I could not stand up. And there were powerful words of direction and confirmation given during that visit to that fellowship. And so, when the Lord instructed me to get up on Sunday morning and go to that fellowship, I was quite looking forward to it, because I thought, “You know, maybe the Lord's got something else He wants to say to me during the worship there”. And so, off I went and discovered that they were no longer in the large building that they had been at. And after looking on the internet to find their new location, with quite some difficulty, I found them down a small back street at the end, near the railway line, in a small half-built building with a lot of building rubble in front of the building. And there were only three or four cars there (previously, it had been a large fellowship, very thriving, very busy, very productive. They had a school, a university for those who wanted to study for the ministry). But here they were, having been reduced to this very lowly address, very reduced in numbers. When I walked into the building, stepping in amongst the building rubble and the mud, there were literally less than 20 people in there. There was also no pastor. He had disappeared. The worship team of two ground through a couple of warfare choruses with great labor, and most of the less than 20 people were gazing out of the window and not singing, and the man who stood up to share afterwards, did his best. But there was absolutely no anointing and I just left at the first opportunity. They took up the collection afterwards and I snuck out and I just said, “Lord, what was that about?” That was so, so shocking compared to what it used to be like a couple of years back. And He just reminded me of the Scripture about the removing of the lampstand from its place. I had very clearly witnessed and experienced what it looks like when the lampstand of the anointing and presence of the Holy Spirit is removed. So, this is a very serious thing. Precious remnant. And the fear of the Lord really comes upon me, even as I speak these words, because it is a terrible thing to have ‘Ichabod ‘written over a place – ‘The glory has departed”. But these are the days we're entering - where you will look back and clearly discern between a man who serves God and one who does not serve Him, where the wicked will be left without root or branch. The first part of Isaiah 66 describes God’s opinion about the religious activities and offerings of those who not wholehearted toward Him and do not fear Him. He calls them hypocrites and His voice is going to be heard in the temple, rendering recompense to those He refers to as His enemies. So, I really pray that the Lord may just expand and explain and confirm and give further revelation concerning the things I've shared. We all see in part, and I know the Lord is speaking to all of you as you seek Him in your daily walk. But may what I've shared just be a little addition that helps and shines light on puzzle pieces that you didn't have at the time. And may the Lord bless you and keep you. May He cause His face to shine upon you. May He lift up his countenance upon you and grant you His peace. And may you be strengthened with might out of the rich treasury of His glory to exercise endurance and patience with joy. Amen.

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