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IT’S TIME!!! - Victoria Ang

September 3, 2021 12:01 PM Victoria Ang



I was woken several times last night to pray. After spending the ENTIRE day praying in the Spirit till bedtime yesterday…Carrying such a burden for this world and lost souls…Anyway I fell back to sleep for short periods once praying. … Then woke and spent time with the Lord just praising and worshipping Him. Telling Him how much I love Him.Thanking Him for everything . And always being there for me.I felt led to look at the time.

It was 7:17. ( To gather , pluck)……

While spending time with Him He held me in His arms. After awhile I got slain in the Spirit. And had a vision right after getting slain. In the vision I saw myself taking off with the speed and power of a missile. And the vision ended.

All week long I have been seeing 7:17………..I heard Him say” IT’s TIME”!!!! I got up to do my morning chores and found this white feather by the door. This is so encouraging to me and I hope it brings encouragement for others.

All glory and honor is ONLY Gods!

Let us continue to pray and be about our fathers business! As lost souls can be saved!

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