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Holy Spirit Fire, Shouting From The Rooftops, The Mountains...Dreams of Jennifer & sister Tricia!

Writer's picture: Kathy - Co-Family Team Leader!Kathy - Co-Family Team Leader!

Part 1

I dreamed that I was a witness to a red moving fire. When it came in contact with a person it went through them and kept going.

Jennifer shared:

Matthew 3:11

“I indeed baptize you with water unto repentance: but he that cometh after me is mightier than I, whose shoes I am not worthy to bear: he shall baptize you with the Holy Ghost, and with fire:”

Matthew 3:11-12

“As for me, I baptize you with water for repentance, but He who is coming after me is mightier than I, and I am not fit to remove His sandals; He will baptize you with the Holy Spirit and fire. His winnowing fork is in His hand, and He will thoroughly clear His threshing floor; and He will gather His wheat into the barn, but He will burn up the chaff with unquenchable fire.”

Part 2

I dreamed of the letters WEN

Jennifer shares: Revelation 16:2

And the first went, and poured out his vial upon the Earth, and there fell a noisome and Grievous sore upon the men which had the mark of the beast, and upon them which worshipped His image.

Jeannie on the team also said..." It could be about the scores, but I'm wondering if it could be short for Wednesday. Just a thought."

And then Allison said..." Jennifer, you posted a dream on 3/11, and Matthew 3:11 says, "I indeed baptize you with water unto repentance but he that cometh after me is mightier than I, whose shoes I am not worthy to Bear, he shall baptize you with the Holy Ghost and Fire." Then you saw WEN, and mentioned maybe it had to do with Wednesday. Along with the Hebrew's interesting that "LUKE" 3:16 refers to the scripture also and 3/16 is a Wednesday and the first day of Purim!

Another dream:

Scene 1: Brother Matt (on our team) was speaking of something he knew Jesus said, " Be humble as I am humble."

Jennifer said, "a verse about being humble is Isaiah 57:15, "For thus saith the high and lofty, One that inhabiteth eternity, whose name is Holy, I dwell in the high and holy place, with him also that is of a contrite and humble Spirit, to revive the spirit of the humble, and to revive the heart of the contrite ones."

Scene 2 of Jennifer's dream:

I was given Mark chapter

Mark 13...listen here:

***Matt on the team jumps in - he connected a Dream from a sweet sister by the name of Trisha that she had shared with us, that I had also shared with the team. He begins by sharing her dream, and applying Mark 13:14...


Mar 6, 2022, 12:32 PM

(1) So this morning I rolled over and was slightly awake when God gave me a vision that looked like child's artwork on green construction paper with three light brown triangle shaped mountains at the top with lighter beige caps at the top they looked like the mountain that the little Swedish boy had in his dream a few years ago that I have recently learned about (see link below) (or some say its the Pyramid of Giza?). I think the green construction paper was representative of the same green you saw in your dream when you ran out of the house and saw bright green rolling grass everywhere with the hill at the top. I have never had a vision in the daytime, only in my bed when I am semi conscious in the middle of the night, like in your lighter part of sleep, and I really felt it was God sending me a confirmation of your dream together with the Swedish boy's dream.

Word by word Translation in description box! 8 Year old Swedish Boy's Vision from God; Jesus! - YouTube -

I tried to recreate it here with construction paper then I took a picture:


Then below Matt continues on with Jennifer's dream and had several things he was led to share:

Quotes from above website:

"On the house-tops"

In a prophecy about Jerusalem, Isaiah said, "What aileth thee now, that thou art wholly gone up into the house tops?" Isaiah 22:1

He said, The housetops of Jerusalem and I say it's time were a communication Network. They were used as the means of Rapid communication of news and information, which is what the internet has become in modern times.

There is a lot of noise in the Christian material posted on the net. However, in Matthew 10:27, Jesus refers to the Housetop as a means for promoting the gospel. This may well apply to the modern internet.

The Abomination that Daniel spoke of was desolation of the temple, a type of future desolation of a church. People can recognize the state of desolation when they come to understand the message of Prophecy.

The mountains that the Saints need chiefly are the promises of God. Mountains are durable, long-lasting. In Genesis 4926, Jacob refers to the blessings he had received as extending to the utmost bound of the Everlasting Hills They were high and lofty, that is, spiritual in nature, as well as durable, or Eternal. Mountains don't change significantly over time. David said, "Thy righteousness is like the Green Mountains." (Psalm 36:6) the best the mountains resemble the promises of God, which endure forever.

Jesus encouraged people to follow him, rather than resist the truth. Coming down to take anything out of his house, refers to looking for ways to resist and opposed the gospel of Christ's Heavenly Kingdom.

Those who are in the field, refers to people involved in sewing the world in minds of men, that is, spreading the gospel, and growing at church in a preparation for the Harvest.

Note from Kathy: What a super interesting new viewpoint to these things! We were so excited to hear about the understanding that they shouted from the rooftops to spread information and communicate with many people at once!

Mark 13:18 And pray ye that your flight be not in winter.

Jeremiah 8:20 the Harvest is past, the summer is ended, and we are not saved.

Matt says that winter may be referring to the time of the tribulation AFTER the bride, the first fruits, has been removed.

Jennifer then says... The Abomination that Daniel spoke of was a desolation of the temple, a type of the future desolation of the church. People can recognize that the state of desolation, when they come to understand the message of the prophecy. Amen my dear brother and also, the mark of the beast that we are seeing now. So amazing brother!

Kathy rings in and says, hey man! It's like a parallel meaning for abomination of desolation. Along with defiling the temple with the facts, the mark of the beast of course. They are both correct!

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