Word From The Lord Through Sara On Our Team:
Word from the Lord received on 10/22/21. Please take this to the Lord in prayer for confirmation. Calamity! Calamity! Calamity! Very soon My children I will bring you home, but not before multiple calamities strike the earth. These events will cause men's hearts to fail them. Prepare! Prepare! Prepare I say! Prepare your heart! Prepare your homes! Do you know Me? Have you filled your lamp with oil? IAM the only way to heaven. If you do not know Me you will not enter My kingdom. IAM coming for a spotless bride. Do you know what that means? That means you must repent of all of your sins and turn away from all sin. Can you hear My voice? Do you spend time with Me? If you cannot hear My voice you need to come to Me now and ask My Holy Spirit to help you. Do not lean on your own understanding. Read My word. It is your instruction book. Follow it closely while you can. Sit with Me. Pray. Repent. If you do not know Me you cannot enter My kingdom. Think wisely My children. I love you with an everlasting love. I long to give you many gifts and lavish you with beautiful things if only you would spend time getting to know Me. Tell Me about your day. Ask Me about My will for you. I will surely tell you. You must be in My will at all times. I will give you a tip. To hear My voice you must quiet your mind. Ask My Holy Spirit to help you. IAM that still small voice. IAM always speaking. You must be along with Me and carve out special time for Me alone. I should be your number one priority. After all who allows you to have all of the blessings you enjoy? IAM a jealous God. Do not put Me second or third. If you could only see the plans I have for you! You are the apple of My eye! Get to know My true nature by spending time with Me and reading My word. You don't have much time left. Come to Me now My children! My arms are open wide! All you have to do is ask and I will tell you what you need to repent for. Walk with Me. I will never lead you astray. Do you long for peace? IAM peace. Do you long for love? IAM love. Do you long for joy? IAM joy. True happiness is only found through Me. Let go of this world before it is too late! You do not want to face what is coming upon the earth alone. Trust in Me always. I will never let you go. Your redeemer, Yeshua Hamashiach Psalm 91 Matthew 25 Jeremiah 29:11