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BEAUTIFUL Message!! - "Understand the victory of the Overcomer" - Pieter Kirstein & J Leeland Earls

Understand the victory of the Overcomer. God called us to pursue Him into the mountain of His holy habitation. Living faith must be allowed to bring forth that which you claim to believe. Living active and operational faith must bring you into the reality of what you believe, through much patience, transformation and growth. To bring forth those to be revealed as the manifested sons that shall operate from the mountaintop glory realm of His holy habitation means that we must allow God to complete the work of perfecting our inner man, otherwise we stay stuck in the brokenness and confined entrapment of our lower sinful nature. His realm is the place of joint rulership with Christ, that becomes the portion of the overcomer - Revelation 3:21 To him that overcomes will I grant to sit with Me in My throne, even as I also overcame, and sat down with My Father in his throne. The positional place of authority afforded to us through the finished work of His cross must be worked out by the Spirit in us to become an experiential reality within the lives of those who have chosen to follow Christ in the way of the cross. These shall be given the valid testimony of the overcomer. His Kingdom is a ruling Kingdom. It's not for babes and toddlers but for those who have been crucified to themselves because they have submitted themselves to the discipline and correction and the pruning of the Father. We are called to bring forth the fruits of His righteousness which is Christ-likeness. Hebrews 12:5-11 And have you [completely] forgotten the divine word of appeal and encouragement in which you are reasoned with and addressed as sons? My son, do not think lightly or scorn to submit to the correction and discipline of the Father, nor lose courage and give up and faint when you are reproved or corrected by Him; For the Father corrects and disciplines everyone whom He loves, and He punishes, even scourges, every son whom He accepts and welcomes to His heart and cherishes. You must submit to and endure [correction] for discipline; God is dealing with you as with sons. For what son is there whom his father does not [thus] train and correct and discipline? Now if you are exempt from correction and left without discipline in which all [of God’s children] share, then you are illegitimate offspring and not true sons [at all]. Moreover, we have had earthly fathers who disciplined us and we yielded [to them] and respected [them for training us]. Shall we not much more cheerfully submit to the Father of spirits and so [truly] live? For [our earthly fathers] disciplined us for only a short period of time and chastised us as seemed proper and good to them; but He disciplines us for our certain good, that we may become sharers in His own holiness. For the time being no discipline brings joy, but seems grievous and painful; but afterwards it yields a peaceable fruit of righteousness to those who have been trained by it [a harvest of fruit which consists in righteousness—in conformity to God’s will in purpose, thought, and action, resulting in right living and right standing with God]. These are the realities by which the glorified sons are brought into the mountain of God. Hebrews 12 22 But you are come unto mount Zion, and unto the city of the living God, the heavenly Jerusalem, and to an innumerable company of angels, 23 To the general assembly and church of the firstborn, who are written in heaven, and to God the Judge of all, and to the spirits of just men made perfect. Psalm 24 3 Who shall ascend into the hill of the LORD? or who shall stand in his holy place? 4 He that has clean hands, and a pure heart; who has not lifted up his soul unto vanity, nor sworn deceitfully. 5 He shall receive the blessing from the LORD, and righteousness from the God of his salvation. 6 This is the generation of them that seek him, that seek your face, O Jacob. Selah. The LORD spoke to us through His servant J Leland Earls: HIS WORKINGS IN THE INNER MAN "Am I not working within you, says the Lord? And can you be joined to me until that work is complete? Do not misunderstand that which I am doing, for I work in ways that the human mind cannot fully comprehend, and which are under­stood only by revelation of the Spirit. Therefore do not try to judge my workings with the natural mind, for they will seem like foolishness to you. But seek rather to understand spirit­ual workings by revelation of the Spirit. How am I working within you, and what am I seeking to accomplish? I say, I am working to perfect the inner man that he may be prepared to walk and talk with me in the realms that I have prepared. (This is why we read about the manifested sons in Hebrews 12 that they are the spirits of just men made perfect) For none but those who are fully prepared will be received to me in my heavenly kingdom. (the realm and seat of the overcomer) Does a man begin a work and then not finish it? Does a man plan and then not accomplish and fulfill his plan? Do you think that I am less intelligent than a man, that I will not complete what I have purposed and not finish what I have begun? Is it not written that I have be­gun a work in you and that I will perfect it, even for that day of my appearing when all who are ready shall be received of me into my glory? (Phil. 1:6). Think not that my work for you, in providing for your redemption and salvation from sin, is all that is required. I say, this is only the beginning. After this has been received, there is that work which I must do within you to make you a fit vessel to receive all that which I have prepared for you. This does not mean that those who fail to let me do a com­plete work in preparing them for the greater glory shall lose their salvation. Far from it, for once I have given I will not take away. But there are many realms in my Kingdom, and there are places for all who have been saved. Those who have not allowed me to do a complete work within them shall have to accept a lesser place and a lesser glory. For there is a dif­ference, for example, between the earthly glory and the heavenly glory. Those who have failed to progress will have to remain in the earthly realm until a minimum work is completed within them. Even so shall they then be prepared to be chang­ed and elevated to a higher realm and a higher glory. And even in the heavenly realm there are different degrees of glory depending on the completeness of the work done within and the progress made on the path that leads to the full stature of the Heavenly Father. So my people, if you would desire to enter into my glory and receive that which has been pre­pared for those who love me, then let me do a complete work within you that you may be found worthy in that day to enter into the glories of my heavenly kingdom. "Are not my ways in the mountains says the Lord? I declare to you, as my ways are in the seas so also are my ways in the mountains. For it has been from the mountain tops that I have made known my will and revealed my purposes. If you will study in my Word concerning those incidents which took place on the mountains, you will find a pattern for that which I would bring to pass in your lives. Beginning with the mountains of Ararat on which the ark of safety rested to the Mount of Olives which shall be split in two by my coming, you will find my pattern portrayed. So look to the mountains and learn the lessons that I would teach you. Am I not the God of your salvation? Am I not the one who has redeemed you from the waters which would seek to overwhelm you and destroy you? Have I not saved you from the passions of your soul which surge within you as the waters of the sea? Have I not given you life by preserving you in my ark? And has not my ark (Christ) found a resting place in the heavenlies? And shall I not bring you, if you are fully resting in Him, in­to my heavenly kingdom? I say, even as the ark rested on the mountains of Ararat, so does this show that I will lift my chosen ones above the watery tribulations of this life and cause them to inherit the heavenly places above. They shall find rest from all the limitations of this earth, and they shall inher­it the realms prepared for them. Now consider further that which is revealed from my Word concerning the mountains. Did I not require Abraham to go up to Mount Moriah and offer his son as a sacrifice to me? And is this not what I require of those who would enter my heavenly kingdom? They must lay down everything on my altar and present themselves as a living sacrifice to me. For even as Isaac was raised up from the altar, so shall I have my Isaac company arise and give themselves completely to me as those who have been raised from the dead. They shall be perfected by me and inherit the fulness of the promise. Then consider that which I made known when I revealed myself to Israel from Mount Sinai. Did I not speak forth my law? And do I not require that my law be written in your hearts and minds, yes, on the fleshly tables of your innermost being? (Jer. 31:33, II Cor. 3:3, Heb. 8:10, 10:16). For only as you yield yourselves to me in complete obedience can I do that inner work of conforming you to my perfect righteousness. Did I not command the children of Israel to refrain from touch­ing my holy mountain? And shall I not prohibit those who are not ready from breaking through into my heavenly realm? Mount Sinai is a type of that heavenly kingdom which is being prepared for those that love me. Did not Moses alone proceed into my presence on the mount? The congregation of Israel, although they had received the spoken law, had to remain at the foot of the mount. Even so does this portray the truth that those who have received the law [leading to] life and have been born again by the spoken and living Word, but who have not been prepared by me to be received into my glory, shall have to re­main in that realm which is being prepared for them at the foot of the heavenly kingdom. But those who have fully yielded themselves to me shall ascend into the mount of my heaven­ly kingdom and be joint heirs of all that I have. As Moses was prepared to be the ruler of my people, so shall those who enter my heavenly kingdom be used of me to rule over the earth. Did I not bring my people into a land that was filled with hills and valleys? And did I not set as a watch over all the land the stately and majestic Mount Hermon to the north? Am I not watching over you to give you that which you need and to send refreshing on you? For from the lofty heights of Mount Hermon the dews descend upon the hills and valleys and the rains are sent in their seasons. From the mountain height of my heavenly realm do I also send on you the re­freshing dew of my Spirit and the abundant downpours of my empowering as the rain in due season. Mount Hermon stands as a constant reminder of my care and concern for my people, for from Mount Hermon I send that which brings life and re freshing to the land. Were not the blessings and cursings on my people spoken from Mount Ebal and Mount Gerazim? There is a mountain from which my blessings descend, and there is a mountain from which my cursings descend. I say to you, the mount of blessing is that realm of the invisible hosts of light that are on constant duty and are surrounding my people at all times. From that realm there are myriads of ministering spirits which are ready to bring my people into the realms of blessing if there is an obedience to my Word. For I have commanded blessing to flow from the angelic hosts on those who fear me and keep my commandments. I have also allowed cursing to come from the other mountain or realm which is the invisible hosts of wickedness. When my people are disobedient and when they care not for my ways but are bent on that which is detrimental to them, then I allow the hosts of wickedness to come on them and lead them into ways which are hurtful, and from the mountain of cursing come all kinds of spirits of deception and corruption and bondage. So my people hear my word, for surrounding you on every hand is Mount Ebal and Mount Gerazim, even the blessings and cursings of the in­visible hosts of light and darkness. Now listen to me as I speak to you of that which took place on the mount of transfiguration. On that mount I drew to myself three of the disciples that I might manifest to them my glory, even that glory which shall be made known when I take my own to myself in my kingdom. Therefore hear my words concerning that which I show to you. Moses and Elijah appeared with me talking of the things which would be accomplished by my sacrifice on the cross. On this par­ticular occasion, and in this setting, Moses represents those who shall participate in my kingdom but shall not be among those who shall rule and reign with me. For Moses struck the rock and brought forth that which was not in harmony with my will. Even so does he represent those who have brought forth the passions and desires of the soul and flesh by failing to hear and give heed to my Word. They shall not be allowed to inherit the fulness of the kingdom even as Moses was not allowed to go into the promised land. They shall be partakers of that realm which shall be allotted to them and they shall enter into life eternal, but they shall not have the glorified life of those who rule and reign with me. Now consider my servant Elijah who also appeared speaking of the things of the king­dom. He was taken in His day by being caught up in a whirl­wind and removed from the earth. Even so does he represent those who will be taken by me at the end of the age to in­herit all that I have prepared. They shall be received to me in two distinct groups. First, the firstfruit sheaf will be taken just before the period known as the great tribulation. They shall be used of me during the tribulation to speak my word to those that remain. For they shall have the power to appear to those yet on the earth. They will be clothed with that glorified body which is eternal in the heavens, but also has the power to manifest in the physical realm. Following the tribulation the main part of the Elijah group shall be taken and glorified even as were the firstfruits. And so shall they ever be with their Lord. Were there not three disciples taken by Jesus to the mountain top? And do not these three also represent phases or groups within the kingdom? Peter, James and John repre­sent phases of my kingdom which are little understood even by those who have perceived much. Therefore it is not within the wisdom and providence of your God to reveal them to you at the present time. Remember that there are yet many mys­teries to be made known. That which is revealed concerning the prophetic patterns in the lives of those I have chosen in no way exhausts those patterns-in-truth. Neither does the same person always portray the same phase of truth, for one chosen person can portray different prophetic patterns and different phases of kingdom truth as the life of that person is seen in different settings and circumstances on different occa­sions. Therefore do not limit your God, but let Him continue to unveil many facets of the truth in the prophetic patterns which have been woven into the lives of the chosen servants. In giving you a glimpse of the revelation of my ways in the mountains of scripture, l am withholding much from you at the present time. I will reveal only a small portion at a time that you might behold the glory of your God and continue to seek further understanding of His ways. My people, I am so de­sirous of sharing much more of my truth with you, but lest you stumble at the magnitude of it and be unable to appropriate it to your spiritual good, I must limit that which I make known. Now consider the mount on which Jesus taught His disciples, and that which is revealed in what is commonly called the 'Sermon on the Mount.’ Were there not multitudes which came to hear that which Jesus spoke? And were not the disciples taken apart and instructed in that which the multi­tudes were not ready to hear? I say to you, I am calling to myself a people who will sit at my feet and hear my words—who will be instructed in the truths of my kingdom and my righteousness. That which is revealed in the Sermon on the Mount is what I require of those who would enter my heavenly kingdom. For was it not said, ‘You shall be perfect as your heavenly father is perfect?’ (Matt. 5:48) Will I not do a perfecting work in those who are to be received of me in my own realm? For I say, except your righteousness exceeds the righteousness of the nominal Christian of today, you shall not enter my heavenly kingdom. My kingdom is not for babes and toddlers but for those who have been brought to maturity. For my kingdom is a ruling kingdom, and only those qualified to take a responsibility in my kingdom shall be admitted there­to. Others, though saved, will be barred until they have come into that minimum perfection which I require. I say to you, study carefully the precepts of the kingdom as revealed in the Sermon on the Mount, for therein is the pattern of right­eousness which I require. It is for those who are willing to be my disciples. Others will hear the words and know the out­er husk thereof, but only those fully instructed into my kingdom by my Spirit shall reap the benefits of this righteousness of the heart. Therefore hear my word my people! Will you be among those I am drawing to my mount? And will you sit at my feet day by day and let me teach you my ways? The final mount concerning which I would speak to you is the Mount of Olives. The Mount of Olives speaks of the triumph of this age when all that has been accomplished pre­viously comes to its full. For the Mount of Olives will be the place where my feet shall touch when I descend to this earth accompanied by the hosts of the redeemed. (Zech. 14:4). The earth shall quake at my presence, and the mountains shall tremble, and the Mount of Olives shall be split in two. Even so does this portray the twofold manifestation of my kingdom—the earthly and the heavenly. The one will operate in the in­visible realms above and the other in the visible realms on the earth. The one shall take precedence over the other, for the heavenly, which is my own kingdom realm, shall rule over the earthly. Those in the earthly kingdom shall have the opportun­ity at a future time to enter the heavenly kingdom if they ful­fill all that I require on earth. The earthly kingdom shall re­ceive its direction from the heavenly realms. Even so shall I split the two in that day that they may each fulfill a por­tion of my plan. After having fulfilled my purpose, I shall cause the two to merge into one at that time when my plan of the ages is complete and I move to inaugurate a new order, even at that time when there shall be a new heavens and a new earth. (Rev. 21:1). Then shall that which is visible be merged into that which is invisible, and the two shall become one realm for the matured and fully instructed sons of God to be­gin a new phase of my plan. This is beyond that which you are capable of understanding at the present time. So arise, you aspiring sons of God and ascend to the mountains that you may know what I would speak to you." (end of pro­phesy)

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