Dec 3, 2021
Daughter write My words,
My precious Army of Warriors, rise from your ashes. Rise from your heartache, rise from your sorrows. This is your time to shine. No more hiding, no more being invisible, no more being trampled on, no more being rejected. No more being told you are doing, and are, nothing, for they don’t realize, no, they don’t believe that you have been under My employment. In training, you have been in great testing even by and through those around you. I have used all situations to build you, to train and raise you up into the great army that you are. Your deliverance is here. Your portion is poured out, you’re going forward in greatness unlike anything the world has ever witnessed in all its days. My Remnant you are My Chosen, First Fruits of My harvest and you are the leaders that will harvest what remains. Come, dry your tears, receive of Me My peace for My anointing is upon you and from that day to the day I raise you up to come home, will be the best days of your existence. You have all labored, though to the world you seem like nothing but a wasted life. They don’t know you the way I know you. You have been obedient to only Me, they don’t understand you, they cannot relate to you but that’s because you are not of this world. They didn’t recognize or receive Me. They hated, persecuted and even crucified Me. A servant is not greater than his Master. But in resurrection, when you rise, this is when the Glory comes for you. So lift your weary heads, do not feel any shame, remorse or fear, for you are Mine. Hear Me My Remnant, I chose you. I built you up for such a time as this. Get ready!